WINFOCUS- Singapore 2009

Bret Nelson joined the faculty for the WINFOCUS ultrasound course at Alexandra Hospital in Singapore from February 23-26, 2009. There was an incredibly diverse group of physicians participating, as well as the WINFOCUS past president, Luca Neri (who organized the course). The Society for Emergency Medicine in Singapore annual conference followed on the heels of […]

French translation of Ultrasound Manual now available!

If you were holding out for a  foreign language edition of the Manual of Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound, you are in luck. The Manuel d’échographie en réanimation et service d’urgence has just been released!  There is an interview with the translator, Elisabeth Gaertner, available online as well.

7 year old with abdominal pain

7 year old child with abdominal pain presented with pain, nausea.  Noted to be febrile.  RLQ tender.  Linear transducer applied to point of maximal tenderness.    Image attached was obtained.  

Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound Course 2010

In the evaluation and treatment of acute illness, seconds count. Focused bedside ultrasound has gained widespread use in emergency and critical care settings as an adjunct to physical examination and to aid in the performance of bedside procedures. This course was designed with a critical care approach in mind, focusing on the utility of ultrasound […]

Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship

The Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine is built upon a foundation of clinical excellence, cutting-edge research, administrative experience, and education. We are pleased to offer a wide array of experiences to maximize the learning environment and expose the fellow to meaningful clinical and research opportunities. For more information see the […]


  Introduction: The first step in evaluation for pneumothorax (after the physical examination) has traditionally been the use of chest radiography. Both the chest x-ray and physical exam, however, have significant downsides. Fortunately for those patients who can’t be sent immediately to CT scan, ultrasound has been shown to be far more sensitive in the […]


  Introduction: Bedside ultrasound has been shown to correlate very well with formal duplex sonography in detecting deep vein thrombosis (DVT). A limited, two-point compression technique is generally employed which verifies flow and compressibility in the common femoral and popliteal veins. Focused Questions: Is there flow in the vein? Is the vein compressible? Video Overview: […]


  Introduction: In the setting of suspected renal colic, bedside ultrasound can assist in making the diagnosis by assessing for hydronephrosis. The goals of bedside ultrasound are to look for the presence and extent of hydronephrosis, assess urine volume, and perhaps look for ureteral jets as well. If abdominal aneurysm is in the differential diagnosis, […]

September 2024
