Without Heinrich we would have no units for the frequency of our probes. We can thank him for these units as well as for proving Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism, leading to the invention of radio and television. Â I suppos…
One common source of confusion or false positives in the FAST exam is the assessment of the left upper quadrant. We’ve already covered some tips on improving your view of the spleen. This post will illustrate how the stomach can mimic…
Finding the right angle is critical to optimal imaging. In fact ‘right angle’ or perpendicular imaging is the best way to get a clear image. At 90 degrees, many more sound beams reflect back to the transducer than at more shallo…
Sinai’s own Dr. Lana Friedman, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow, was just named one of three recipients of the prestigious SPR Fellow Clinical Research Award. Her abstract entitled, “Accuracy of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) b…
On November 17, 2011 Dr. Braden Hexom presented research organized by Mount Sinai and conducted at JFK Hospital in Liberia. The project, Evaluation of Novel Obstetrics Ultrasound Curriculum for Local Healthcare Providers in Liberia Bentley…