EMTALA for Dummies

What is EMTALA? EMTALA stands for “Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act.” It is a federal law enacted by Congress in 1986 to prevent hospitals from sending away patients based on insurance status, race, gender, national origin, preex…

You and the Cap’n Make It Happen

Can’t get that posterior hip location back into place? Don’t have enough collective muscle in the ED to just brute force the thing to where it belongs? Then leverage the power of simple mechanical advantage and utilize the Captain Morgan te…

Acute Heart Failure Diagnosis in ED

  Many ER residents have found themselves justifying an admission of an acute or decompensated heart failure patient to a skeptical admitting resident. For better or worse, the skepticism is not without reason; an initial ED admission…

Using the LUCAS Device

So how do you use that big fancy LUCAS machine? Pretty easy actually, but worth knowing before your arresting patient arrives. 1) Position the machine on the patient: Put the yellow back plate under the patient; this should be neatly center…

(de) Winter’s Coming

  Want to read an EKG like a 3rd year med student? Recognize ST elevations. Want to blow your attending away with your savant-like EKG mastery? Start learning all the myriad STEMI equivalents. For today: the de Winter’s T-wave. What is…

Keep All Five Boroughs in Stitches

  Looking to up your lac repair game? With a simple modification, the old dependable horizontal mattress stitch can be transformed into the notably improved and versatile modified locking horizontal mattress stitch. This stitch provide…

What We Learned at CORD16

Missed CORD? Here are a few take home thoughts from @BenAzan and @NupurGargMD. This is by no means meant to be comprehensive, but represents the learning points of a couple of senior residents at CORD. – Education – Career in Ac…


The use of vasopressors and inotropes to treat hypotension is common in the emergency department.  It is now standard to start off with norepinephrine as your 1st line agent to treat shock in the ED.  But is norepi always that best choice?…

Non-invasive Ventilation Basics

You have received a notification, EMS has a patient with “APE” or acute pulmonary edema.  The patient arrives in respiratory distress and if you do nothing, she will require intubation.  However, you are well practiced in the us…

Abscess Innovations

Todays pearl was inspired by the amazing and innovative Dr. Vella and Dr. McVane.   We all have had the joy of draining a large pilonidal abscess.  You know the second that abscess opens white pus will flow freely creating mountains of…

Ventilator alarms

You are working resus at 3 am when you hear an alarming vent.  It’s the patient in room “E” who is intubated and has been admitted for 36 hours waiting for a stepdown bed.  The patient is satting 99% and you are tempted to just hit the sile…

Therapeutic Hypercapnia

Ventilator management can be very simple or complex. As boarding continues to plague the emergency department, ventilated patients become more commonplace. The emergency physician should be well versed in ventilator settings as well as acti…

March 2016
