A 19 yr old male with a history of depression presents to the ED with diffuse, worsening rash, arthralgias and fever for the past 2 days. The patient recently started taking bupropion over the past 3 weeks and also started venlafaxine last…
Resuscitate NYC 2016 was amazing. Special thanks to Scott Weingart (@emcrit) and Felipe Teran (@FTeranmd) who made it all possible! Get an inside look at how it all happened. Attendees: 540 EM Residents 50 Faculty from EM and CC 50 EMS, RN…
Patients with connective tissue diseases and vasculitides can present to the ED with vague or seemingly innocuous complaints but may actually have a life threatening condition. Key conditions to assess for include: 1. Septic arthritis in th…
Liver cirrhosis is associated with hematologic derangements which can cause both coagulopathic and prothrombic states. However, it is less clear whether liver disease truly increases patients’ risk for intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). A…
Drowning is defined as “the process of experiencing respiratory impairment due to submersion/immersion in a liquid.” Pathophysiology: Drowning occurs as the patient’s airway is submerged below water. Initially, the…
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Genetic condition usually due to mutations in one of several sarcomere genes causing LVH and potentially LV outflow obstruction, diastolic dysfunction, mitral regurgitation. Patients may present with CP, dyspnea,…
A single-blind, randomized clinical trial of ED-initiated palliative care consultation for patients with advanced cancer showed a significant improvement in quality of life as measured by a change in the FACT-G score at 12 weeks. Median sur…
Both subxiphoid and parasternal approaches have been used for emergent pericardiocentesis in patients presenting with pericardial effusion and tamponade, but which approach minimizes procedural complications? In a 2012 review by Clinical An…
40 yo F, no PMHx, brought to ED for acute onset of shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting. She was undergoing hair transplantation for traction alopecia at an outpatient surgi-center. BP 79/40, satting 75% on RA. Bedside sono shows you a…
A young man who works in a glass etching factory is rushed to ED for severe pain to his hand after a high concentration chemical solution spilled onto it. He complains of severe pain to the hand in the area of his injury, diffuse abdominal…
A diver shows up to your trauma bay in a c-collar and with complete motor paralysis of legs, torso, hands and weakness of shoulder muscles. He has no sensation to pain or temperature below his clavicles. His proprioception is intact. Which…
The nurse comes running over from triage to the cardiac room because there’s a patient in triage who claims she took a whole bottle of her imipramine before she went to bed last night (12 hours ago). On exam, patient appears indiffere…
A young lad with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) shows up to your ED feeling very weak and c/o sever muscle cramps. On further questioning he reveals that he started chemotherapy 3 days ago. Labs show potassium of 6.5 mEq/L, calcium of 6.3…
This young lady shows up to your ED with 1 week of rash over her abdomen. The rash was preceded by pain to the area, which improved but still bothers her, and much to her chagrin, the rash still has not resolved. She has no medical problems…
53 yo F was walking in high-heeled boots on the cobblestones of the west village. She slipped and suffered a knee twisting injury. On exam, she has an effusion but her plain film is negative for fracture/dislocation. She is in too much pain…