Causes, prevention, presentation and treatment of LAST: Local Anesthetic Systemic toxicity
Pain Control
The PENG block is an effective, easy and safe way to provide analgesia to acute traumatic hip injuries
Sickle cell disease affects ~ 100,000 people in the US. Though pain is the most common ED presentation for patients with SCD, we should always consider life-threatening emergencies in this devastating and complicated disease. Acute Chest S…
It’s winter and nobody has shoveled the roads; everyone and their mama is slipping. You have a patient with an obvious ankle dislocation and ortho is requesting that you put the patient to sleep so they can yank on the foot in peace w…
For more information on ED Pain Management check out the PainFreeED website. Information is taken from a lecture by Dr. Sergey Motov. Follow Dr. Sergey Motov’s @painfreeED Why It Matters Abdominal pain is the most frequent complaint i…
Opioids and why Written by Erena Weathers Case: you have someone who broke their leg doing a ~*~sick~*~ skateboard trick. They stuck the landing, and their tib-fib snapped. They’re ready to be discharged and you feel like the good…
Nebulized Ketamine for Pain Written by Erena Weathers Dear ketamine enthusiastsEver wonder why there aren’t more ways to give your patient this wonderful drug? Well here’s one more route of administration that is easy and clinic…
Reuben Strayer has written and talked extensively about proper PSA technique in the emergency department. Here is his checklist so that you can minimize complications and maximize your success: For more information check out his Procedural…