Which of the following deficits below the level of injury is consistent with anterior cord syndrome? Loss of total sensation and motor function Bladder and bowel incontinence and loss of motor function Loss of motor function only Loss of vi…
Retrobulbar hemorrhage can result in what devastating condition? Corneal abrasion Hypopyon Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) Hyphema Corneal ulcer Answer: Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) Retrobul…
63 M complaining of erythema and pain to right side of his face for 3-4 days after being scratched by some metal. Right eye swollen shut with erythema and tenderness surrounding. Orbital Cellulitis v. Preseptal Cellulitis 1. Presepta…
Might as well finish the week off with just a bit more about suturing!!! Aftercare (what do you tell your patients!!) – Ointment (antibiotic for example) and dressing immediately after lac repair: Not much out there evidence wise what…
Let’s keep on the suturing topic and talk technique! Interrupted suture– most commonly used in ED to close percutaneous wound Wound edges must be everted Needle enters skin @ 90 degrees with the suture loop as wide as it is deep to th…
Monofilament v. multifilament (braided or twisted) – Monofilament – stronger, low tissue drag and harbor less infection. But DO NOT handle as easily and multifilament Multifilament- handles easily but promotes tissue infection and rea…
47 y/o M BIBEMS altered mental status (wife called EMS from out of country because husband hasn’t been heard from in 2 days) no history available from patient. ? short lasting tonic-clonic activity noted on arrival. Vitals: 101.7 128 140…
22 y/o F 35 weeks gestation being treated with magnesium sulfate for preeclampsia in your ED awaiting transfer to nearby hospital for definitive care. You go to re-evaluate the patient and find her somnolent, decreased respiratory drive and…
Back to some more Board-Style questions: 56 y/o F with acute organophosphate overdose, severe bronchorrhea, bradycardia and coma. She is intubated for airway protection and atropine therapy initiated. After 10 mg Atropine her HR is 130, BP…
32 F – presents with AMS. EMS reports neighbors smelled gas and called 911. They found patient unresponsive (? Sleeping) initially in the apt. Patient doesn’t remember these events but does recall that she is staying at a friends and had…
78 yo f presents with generalized weakness. Patient denies any complaints per se and was brought in by family member after patient could not answer her door due to her weakness. Vital signs were stable. Physical exam was unremarkable and sh…
23 year old male with HIV presents with 1 week of fever, cough with yellow sputum, malaise presents with worsening of symptoms. Patient has vital signs of T103, P110, BP135/89, sat 90% on RA. Physical exam reveals coarse rhonchi bilaterally…