Probe Manipulation – Rotation from Sinai EM Ultrasound on Vimeo. How do you obtain that nice long image of the peripheral blood vessel for a longitudinal approach? It is easy to say ‘rotate the probe 90 degrees from the transver…
For those of you waiting with bated breath: The Polish language translation of the Manual of Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound is now available! The book (by Vicki Noble, Bret Nelson, and Nicholas Sutingco) is now available in English,…
The Mount Sinai Divisions of EMS and Ultrasound were proud to work with the New York City Fire Department Rescue Medics on a prehospital ultrasound training session. Kevin Chason and Bret Nelson were accompanied by Ultrasound Division membe…
Our annual ultrasound CME conference held on March 7 was a great success! Faculty, fellows and PAs from a number of institutions took part in our seventh annual conference. Topics included ultrasound for airway, breathing, circulation, disa…