A V-Tach of Another Color

Here’s an EKG you may never have seen before.  Only slightly frightening, right?  The rate is tachycardic and the width of the QRS tells you that it is coming from below the AV node.  The defining feature here is that the QRS complex alternates from left to right axis between beats.  This EKG is a rare rhythm […]

Know Your A-Lines (Part 2)

Once you understand the basic functions of the components of your arterial line set-up and know how to position it properly the next level of mastery involves spotting other errors and optimizing them. If you notice that your pulse pressure is very wide your patient may be severely volume depleted, they may have profound aortic […]

Know your A-lines!

Arterial lines can provide accurate, real-time information on your patient’s blood pressure.  They can be vital in cases where you want to trend precise blood pressure goals or where BP cuffs are producing incongruous measurements in a critically ill patient.  However, as with all tools the information they yield is only as good as the assay […]

Feeling the burn: Burn care in the ED

I can count the number of severe burns I’ve seen in residency on one hand. I suspect that’s true for many of us, especially if you don’t work at a burn center. The problem is that these patients can be really sick and require a lot of urgent management. So today we’re going to discuss […]

ASE President supports Point of Care Ultrasound

There is no denying that if I were to suffer a sudden hemodynamic collapse and would wind up in an emergency department, I would want it to be one in which the emergency physicians were fully trained in POCUS (point of care ultrasound) and knew how to apply it to patient care. – Susan Weigers, […]

EKGs you don’t know: de Winter’s waves

Chest pain: the bread and butter of emergency medicine. We see so many of these that it can be mind-numbing, and for EXACTLY that reason it’s critical to recognize those weird EKGs that aren’t an obvious STEMI but can signal a coronary occlusion. One of the less-talked-about danger signs on EKG is “de Winter’s waves“, […]

Salicylates, they can really go to your head.

Salicylate toxicity has a long history of causing morbidity and mortality in ED patients. Historically there has been a decline in the number of cases of salicylate poisoning due to concern regarding Reye’s syndrome. However, in recent years worries have spurred a public health campaign to spread information regarding the risks of poisoning by the […]

September 2024
