Your guide to steroids in septic shock

Ok, so you know there is controversy in the use of steroids in septic shock, but what does the data actually support in terms of when you should and should not use them — here is a guide! Don’t want to read more? Here is the jist: Steroids (hydrocortisone <400mg/day) may reduce time in shock […]

Called to a CODE? Here is your guide.

You’re working in Acute 2 slogging away when you hear “ED TEAM 7000” overhead. You sprint faster than everyone else and get there first. Congrats! You made it through the maze of Sinai. When you get there, you find a woman who is awake but looks sick. What do you do now? Run her to […]

An Ode to the IO

The intraosseous line. What a beautiful solution to so many problems. Let’s take a minute to reflect on the IO, what it can do, how to do it, and to assuage your fears of complications. When to use an IO: If you think, “should we put in an IO?” Then, YES, yes you should! The rule […]

The other ACS

You are in RESUS feeling like a boss (either it’s your last RESUS shift because you’re becoming a senior, you have finally made i through 2nd year and have learned how to tell Gueldye “no”, or are finally reaching the end of endless streaks of B-side nights as an intern). In rolls EMS with a […]

Chronic Back Pain

You’re working overnight when your 10th patient comes in complaining of chronic back pain. You order acetaminophen and an NSAID but the patient refuses to take them. They’re upset, agitated and demanding their usual percocet as its the only thing that helps. You attempt to explain that opioids are not the best medication for this […]

How Safe is Mechanical CPR?

Question – How safe is mechanical CPR compared to manual CPR? There are two devices used for mechanical CPR – the AutoPulse and LUCAS – neither of which has been demonstrated to show a survival benefit over manual CPR in recent studies (CIRC, LINC, PARAMEDIC). Could these devices be causing more injuries compared to manual […]

Novel Uses of Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest

Question – How can you use ultrasound to figure out the etiology of a cardiac arrest? Much of the buzz surrounding ultrasound in cardiac arrest revolves around the intra-arrest echo and TEE. You can also use ultrasound to get some information about the etiology of the arrest. Enter the SESAME Protocol, developed by Daniel Lichtenstein (aka […]

What Patients Require Emergent Cath Lab Activation?

Question – STEMI criteria are insensitive for all cases of acute coronary artery occlusion. Among patients with chest pain, what are the other criteria for cath lab activation? Let’s talk more ACS. Patients that need emergent reperfusion therapy are those that have an acute coronary occlusion. ECG findings of ST-elevation will not catch all cases of […]

The Echo in ACS

Case – 70 year old male mhx of HTN, IDDM presents with 2 hours of exertional chest pain. His ECG in triage is unremarkable for any ischemic changes. He appears uncomfortable and over the next 30 minutes requires escalating doses of nitroglycerin for chest pain. A repeat ECG is unchanged. You decide to echo him […]

September 2024
