Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound 2010

Our annual Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound CME course was a great success! Special thanks to our faculty: Phil Andrus, Danny Duque, Bret Nelson, Joe Novik, Jim Tsung, Scott Weingart, as well as Shefali Trivedi and Kanika Gupta. More images after the break.

Lecture Notes: Trauma

Handout The trauma handout is available as a PDF here. References FAST/eFAST Heron MP, Hoyert DL, Murphy SL, Xu JQ, Kochanek KD, Tejada-Vera B. Deaths: Final data for 2006. National vital statistics reports; vol 57 no 14. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2009. Scalea TM, Rodriguez A, Chiu WC, Brenneman FD, Fallon WF […]

MSSM Emergency & Critical Care CME

Is finally here, see you this Monday.  We have a great program put together with lectures by great speakers on topics you need to hear.  The morning of interactive lectures is followed by an afternoon of hands on practice on live models.  Some quick links:   Introduction Faculty Schedule

Journal Club – February 2010

This month we looked at 2 articles on ultrasound guided regional anesthesia.  To do so, Makini and I started from Elmhurst conference where she had presented the ultrasound case of the month on brachial artery peak velocity variation to predict fluid responsiveness.  While trying to find a spot we could sit and talk we considered […]

WINFOCUS- Singapore 2010

Bret Nelson returned to Singapore this month to join the faculty for a WINFOCUS introductory ultrasound course. Over fifty registrants from all over Singapore were in attendance, representing emergency medicine, critical care, surgery, internal medicine, anesthesia, and nephrology. Many thanks to Dr. Francis Lee, course director as well as Dr. Toh Hong Chuen who organized […]

Case 4

Thanks to Eduardo Lacalle for his presentation of the Ultrasound case of the month yesterday at Elmhurst conference.  Here’s a quick summary. 29M BIBEMS after assault.  Intoxicated but awake and cooperative.  Only complains of right eye and right flank pain. Vital Signs are stable.  The patient has some superficial right periorbital abrasions.  He is tender […]

Journal Club – December 2009

This month we reviewed two articles on ultrasound guidance for central access.  The first of these was an instructive case series by Mike Blaivas — Video Analysis of Accidental Cannulation with Dynamic Ultrasound Guidance for Central Venous Access: Michael Blaivas: J Ultrasound Med 2009; 28:1239–1244. At the author’s institution, a continuous recording of ultrasound guidance […]

September 2024
