1 hour Troponin: The new TnT for Chest Pain?

Chest pain…everyone gets it…sometimes when a patient says they have chest pain I get chest pain. What’s the solution to this chest pain epidemic? Troponins! Well not so fast because they aren’t fast…especially when the lab tells you, “no troponins here…” Dr. Jean Sun Reviewed Troponins beautifully in her posts Troponins Part I, Part II, […]

ED AGITATION: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

Have you ever had those patients that are agitated? In a Zombie-like frenzy they rip out all their lines and extubate themselves in the CT scanner agitated? I think we’ve all been there (hopefully with something for sedation in hand!). Dr. Reuben Strayer highlighted how to handle these patients well in his 2016 SMACC talk. […]

Antibiotics + Abscesses: To I&D and Beyond!

So you’ve I&D’d that abscess, there’s no surrounding cellulitis you’re ready to Treat em’ and Street em’ but the patient asks: “Can I have some antibiotics, please? And maybe a sandwich?” [you probably make the face above right?] Well what a recent study by Talan et al (2016) found is that the answer to that […]

Modified Sgarbossa Criteria: the Post-Y2K solution

Left Bundle Branch Blocks (LBBBs) are scary because they can be confused for MIs and MIs are scary…almost as scary as Y2K. Which takes us back to the 90s…the good days, good music, great hairstyles, and Sgarbossa! 20 years ago we devised a rule to help distinguish a newly identified LBBB from MI, but in our […]


                      What do all these EKGs have in common? They are all hyperkalemia! How hyperK+ are they?  Turns out it is probably hard to say…there’s a Basic Rubric: Peaked T waves K>5.5mEq/L Prolongation of PR interval/loss of P wave   K> 6.5mEq/L Widening QRS Complex […]

SBO and Ultrasound: Genie in a bottle?

SBO you say? 6-infinity hours until dispo?! Sometimes it feels like you want to just rub a lamp and all your dispo decisions would be granted! Maybe it can!? Enter SBO and ultrasound! What are you looking for on US? (Westafer & Faust 2015)   [Chao & Gharahbaghian] [Chao & Gharahbaghian] [Avila UOTW#20] Dilated loops of bowel […]

Pigtail Catheters: Almost as cute as this guy

Chest tubes hurt…I imagine. And the few times I’ve done them (x2) I’ve wondered couldn’t that person have just gotten a pigtail?! What does the literature say? Voisin et al 2014 asked if large pneumothoraces (>2-3cm from the lung apex) could be evaluated as outpatients with pigtail catheters. Findings They looked at 132 patients with primary […]

Reexpansion Pulmonary Edema: Do-Gooders Beware

This case was brought to my attention by the wonderful Sam Schuberg. Impressively he drained a large pleural effusion in the ED offering his patient “Upstairs Care Downstairs”.   He then brought to my attention that when draining a large amount of fluid be weary of… REEXPANSION PULMONARY EDEMA or RPE!  [picture from Tariq & […]

Peripheral Vasopressors: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

First thing that probably comes to mind when you hear peripheral vasopressors is “when is this patient getting a central line (CVC)?” or “COWBOYS!” because as ED docs that is what we are and how else to express that best than sticking things in places they shouldn’t be?!  Like… Peripheral Vasopressors (VM)!!   Why don’t […]

September 2024
