Coach, I Jammed My Finger, Can I Still Play?

    Jammed fingers are a very common complaint in the emergency department, and while often sent home as soon as we verify they don’t have a fracture, there is another more serious complication that needs to be on our radar. Mallet finger, or baseball finger, is often caused by a sudden force that causes […]

Trigger Point Injections

Back pain-related complaints account for millions of visits in emergency departments every year, and all of us have had patients that despite our best efforts aren’t satisfied with their pain control. Trigger point injections of local anesthetics well as anti-inflammatory medications have been common treatments in chronic pain and headache clinics for years, and are […]

Tenebrous Tenets of Testicular Torsion

Testicular torsion is one of the most concerning diagnoses we can see in the emergency department, but a lot of the things we have come to accept as dogma regarding this dangerous diagnosis aren’t always as straightforward as board exams would have you believe! Dogma #1: Thunderclap Onset: Onset can be insidious, and may present […]

52 in 52 Review: POCUS vs CT for Suspected Nephrolithiasis

Citation Smith-Bindman, C. Aubin, J. Bailitz, et al. Ultrasonography versus computed tomography for suspected nephrolithiasis. N Engl J Med, 371 (2014), pp. 1100–1110. Resident Reviewer Carl Mickman Why this study is important The use of non-contrast CT has been the gold standard for diagnosing renal colic despite suggestion that ultrasound could also be used as […]

2016 Critical Ultrasound Course

On December 4th the Department of Emergency Medicine hosted its 11th hands-on ultrasound course at Mount Sinai. Over forty participants practiced critical ultrasound skills on live models and simulators, guided by a dozen of our faculty and fellows.  

Other Options for Opiate Withdrawal Treatment

All of us have seen the acutely withdrawing opiate abuser during our times in the emergency department, however aside from a little bit of clonidine and enrollment in a methadone clinic, it can sometimes seem like our options are fairly limited in treating these patients. It is rare as ED docs that we are able […]

How low should you go?

  Hyperglycemia is frequently seen in the ED.  Practice variation is common in terms of glucose reduction for safe discharge.  The question is does improving this number benefit our patients?? Study: Driver, B et al. Discharge Glucose is Not Associated With Short-Term Adverse Outcomes in Emergency Department Patients With Moderate to Severe Hyperglycemia. Annals of […]

Pre-charging the Defibrillator in ACLS

During ACLS, valuable seconds are often wasted while trying to analyze the rhythm on the tiny monitor. Is it VT? VF? PEA? Then when we decide we do want to deliver the shock, even more time is wasted charging the defibrillator. All this lost time translates to decreased time delivering perfusion-delivering compressions in critically ill […]

52 in 52 Review: HINTS to diagnose stroke in the acute vestibular syndrome

  Citation Kattah JC, Talkad AV, Wang DZ, Hsieh YH, Newman-Toker DE. 2009. HINTS to diagnose stroke in the acute vestibular syndrome. Three-step bedside oculomotor examination more sensitive than early MRI diffusion-weighted imaging. Stroke 40:3504–10 Resident Reviewer Carl Mickman Why this study is important Posterior circulation strokes are extremely difficult to diagnose in the emergency […]

September 2024
