Antipyretics do not Change Sepsis ICU Mortality

PEARL: Antipyretics (NSAIDS or acetaminophen) are not associated with improved 28-day ICU mortality in septic patients. CONTEXT: Septic patients often have fevers. Someone always wants to lower the fever with acetaminophen. For conscious, non-intubated patients, this often helps them feel less terrible. Is it of any mortality benefit? Does it harm them? STUDY: Authors for […]

Aspirin is more dangerous than warfarin

Aspirin and Head Trauma: More Dangerous Than You Think B.L.U.F: In one retrospective study of patients who fell from standing, aspirin was associated with double the rate of traumatic ICH compared to warfarin use. CONTEXT: We know to treat minor closed head trauma in patients taking anti-coagulants seriously because of their association with ICH even […]

How much toradol?

Current FDA dosing for Toradol is 30mg IV and 60mg IM in patients < 65 years old.  But is that necessary? Let’s look at this randomized controlled trial: Motov S et al. Comparison of intravenous ketorolac at three single-dose regimens for treating acute pain in the emergency department: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Emerg Med […]

The 52 in 52 Review

Article Citation: Holzer M, et al. “Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia to Improve the Neurologic Outcome After Cardiac Arrest”. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2002. 346(8):549-556. What we already know about the topic: prelim studies demonstrated that lowering brain temp s/p cardiac arrest improves neurologic recovery. Why this study is important: Hypoxemic brain injury is the most […]

Steroids for everyone?

Of course your asthma patients with acute bronchitis will get some steroids….but what about your non-asthmatic patients?  Evidence shows that most patients with acute bronchitis do not need steroids. What’s the evidence? Study: double-blinded RCT of 401 patients with lower respiratory tract infection symptoms (wheezing) without history of asthma or COPD treated at different family […]

Dex or Pred?

Is one dose of PO dexamethasone enough or do you need to send your adult asthmatic patient home on a 5 day oral prednisone course? A noninferiority study published in Annals of Emergency Medicine in 2016 says maybe it doesn’t matter. What was the study? Adult ED patients ages 18-55 were randomized to receive either […]

The 52 in 52 Review

Article Citation: Stiell IG, Wells GA, Vandemheen KL, Clement CM, et al. The Canadian C-spine rule for radiography in alert and stable trauma patients. JAMA. 2001 Oct 17;286(15):1841-8. What we already know about the topic: More than a million patients treated annually in EDs around the country for blunt trauma and possible c-spine injury and […]

Beta blocker or Calcium Channel Blocker?

We have all encountered patients with Afib with RVR who require rate control and the question always is…..what drug? Some people prefer CCB like diltiazem while others prefer beta blockers like labetalol.  Is one better than the other? A recent study published in Academic Emergency Medicine looks at Afib patients who visited one of 24 […]

Here is a familiar scenario…..You need an emergent CT with IV contrast- whether it’s a trauma patient or a stroke patient or PE or dissection and you just don’t have the time to wait for a creatinine. Are you going to harm the patient by giving IV contrast? Want to sound informed when talking to […]

September 2024
