AAEM Ultrasound Course

The American Academy of Emergency Medicine will host its 16th annual scientific assembly from February 15-17 in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace.  An innovative pre-conference course on emergency ultrasound will be held on February 14th. If you will be attending the AAEM assembly, or consider an ultrasound course to be a good prelude to a […]

Case of the Month #1

This young woman presents to your Emergency Department with a history of cramping, abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding today. A urine pregnancy test is positive..  The following ultrasound image is obtained.  What do you tell the patient?

Emergency Ultrasound Day

In 2006, Senator William Frist introduced legislation to recognize October 15 as Emergency Ultrasound Day. While well-known traditions exist for Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Talk Like a Pirate Day, there is no consensus on how best to celebrate Emergency Ultrasound Day. How do you celebrate Emergency Ultrasound Day? Post to comments.

ACEP 2009

What a great time to be in Boston! The 2009 ACEP Scientific Assembly is over, and there were lots of updates for the ultrasound community. New coding guidelines from the section, Ultrasound Section election results, Sinai alumni news, and more after the jump!ACEP 2009- Boston

Hot Topics in Emergency Medicine for the Physician Assistant

The annual Sinai PA Conference took place on 9/12/2009. The division of Emergency Ultrasound ran a course on peripheral line placement under ultrasound. Attendees were enthusiastic and placed angiocaths under ultrasound guidance using our vessel phantoms. In fact, some were so eager that they were absolutely covered in gel by the end of the conference. […]

September 2024
