ACEP Clinical Policy: TIA

In 2016, ACEP published “Clinical Policy: Critical Issues in the Evaluation of Adult Patients with Suspected Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) in the Emergency Department” in the Annals of EM. Here is a brief refresher. Transient ischemic att…

Neck flexion injury

A diver shows up to your trauma bay in a c-collar and with complete motor paralysis of legs, torso, hands and weakness of shoulder muscles. He has no sensation to pain or temperature below his clavicles. His proprioception is intact. Which…

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Revisited

Does that young, well appearing patient with the “worst headache of their life” really need that lumbar puncture (LP)? It’s an issue that’s constantly weighing over physicians’ heads when evaluating a patient with headache in the emergency…

Peek Through the Orbit

32 yo overweight female presents with a headache.  This headache is similar to prior headaches, which she gets frequently.  The rest of her story seems consistent with a migraine and her physical exam, including a through neuro exam, is nor…

Status Epilepticus

69 yo M with remote h/o CVA with residual aphasia and R–sided hemiparesis, BIBEMS from NH with concern for status epilepticus (SE). Per EMS, the patient began to have 3-4 episodes of generalized convulsive activity that began about 30 minut…

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

@JoePinero 50 yo M hx of NIDDM, recent left shoulder surgery x 4 mo ago for rotator cuff tear, currently presenting with left arm pain from shoulder to hand with swelling and tightness of the left hand and fingers. Exam: Well-appearing male…

July 2024
