That “Dirty” ED Line

Do central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) rates differ based on whether they were placed in the ED versus the ICU? A recent article published in Academic Emergency Medicine attempted to answer this very question. Central lin…

The Forgotten Lead

aVR is the neglected cousin of the other ECG leads. He doesn’t always make sense, nobody really understands him, and he usually sits alone at the dinner table. This is to the detriment of those who ignore him, as aVR can easily lead clinici…

Accuracy of Bedside Dvt Study

The two-point compression ultrasound exam assesses the lower extremity venous system at two points: common femoral vein and popliteal vein. Signs of DVT include lack of compressibility and visualized thrombus. [1]

Pocus Ruq

A 40 y/o G10P10 presents with RUQ pain worse with fatty foods. When evaluating for acute cholecystitis, what 5 sonographic findings do you look for? What is the Mickey Mouse sign? What is the mantle clock sign?


An 80-year-old male is brought by family for AMS. On initial assessment: BP 86/45, HR 160s, in AFib, tachypneic. While addressing the ABCs, you’re also wondering what diagnostics can be performed immediately to help evaluate this undifferen…

Mtp Pearls

32M BIBEMS s/p SW to abdomen. He becomes hypotensive/tachycardic, becomes less responsive. Massive transfusion protocol is initiated. What electrolyte abnormality is caused by massive transfusion? In the 1:1:1 ratio, are we talking about a…

Assessing Fluid Responsiveness

You are evaluating a 65yo male with PMH CHF presents with severe sepsis. You’d like to administer IV crystalloids but you’re not sure how much should be given. What are some tools to assess for fluid responsiveness?

A Lit Review: Age-adjusted D-dimer

A recently published retrospective study in the Annals of EM supports the use of an age-adjusted d-dimer cutoff when evaluating patients with possible PE. Standard cutoff = 500 ng/dL; Age-adjusted cutoff = patient’s age x 10 Click for more…

July 2024
