Suturing the Thin-Skinned

The thin, friable skin of elderly patients can present a special difficulty for laceration repair. If you find yourself pulling through the skin as you try tighten knots, applying steri-strips along the edge of the skin can serve as a forti…

Single Injection Digital Nerve Block

Although not a difficult procedure, the traditional approach to a digital nerve block involves two painful injections to the the digital nerves on either side of a finger, and may yield inconsistent results. An alternative, the flexor tendo…

Isopropyl Alcohol Vapor Inhalation

Sometimes the right tool for the job is right in front of your nose. Turns out that 3 nasal inhalations of an isopropol alcohol packets (you know, those swabs you us to prep for a peripheral IV) yields a significant decrease in patient naus…

You and the Cap’n Make It Happen

Can’t get that posterior hip location back into place? Don’t have enough collective muscle in the ED to just brute force the thing to where it belongs? Then leverage the power of simple mechanical advantage and utilize the Captain Morgan te…

Acute Heart Failure Diagnosis in ED

  Many ER residents have found themselves justifying an admission of an acute or decompensated heart failure patient to a skeptical admitting resident. For better or worse, the skepticism is not without reason; an initial ED admission…

Using the LUCAS Device

So how do you use that big fancy LUCAS machine? Pretty easy actually, but worth knowing before your arresting patient arrives. 1) Position the machine on the patient: Put the yellow back plate under the patient; this should be neatly center…

(de) Winter’s Coming

  Want to read an EKG like a 3rd year med student? Recognize ST elevations. Want to blow your attending away with your savant-like EKG mastery? Start learning all the myriad STEMI equivalents. For today: the de Winter’s T-wave. What is…

Keep All Five Boroughs in Stitches

  Looking to up your lac repair game? With a simple modification, the old dependable horizontal mattress stitch can be transformed into the notably improved and versatile modified locking horizontal mattress stitch. This stitch provide…

What We Learned at CORD16

Missed CORD? Here are a few take home thoughts from @BenAzan and @NupurGargMD. This is by no means meant to be comprehensive, but represents the learning points of a couple of senior residents at CORD. – Education – Career in Ac…


Resuscitate NYC 2016 was amazing. Special thanks to Scott Weingart (@emcrit) and Felipe Teran (@FTeranmd) who made it all possible! Get an inside look at how it all happened. Attendees:  540 EM Residents 50 Faculty from EM and CC 50 EMS, RN…

July 2024
