Daily Em Pearl, 5/5/12

A young lady presents to your ED a few hours after a fist fight, c/o L-eye pain. She does not wear contacts and has tried ice and ibuprofen for the pain but noticed her eye was very red, so she came in for help. You do a complete eye exam, including visual acuity and a […]

Daily Em Pearl, 5/4/12

A young lady is brought by friends on a makeshift stretcher. They have leaves in their hair and look frantic. They report that the patient went behind a tree to urinate, while on a hiking trip, and screamed after being bit on her L-forearm by a snake. They don’t know what the snake looked like. […]

Daily Em Pearl, 5/3/12

A middle aged man presents to the ED after almost 2days of penile pain and swelling. The sx started suddenly, during intercourse and he didn’t present until now 2/2 embarrassment.  But now the pain has not abated, the condition has not improved and he hasn’t been able to urinate. He recalls missing the introitus and the […]

Daily Em Pearl, 5/2/12

An elderly man presents with new bloody urine x2days and abdominal distention/fullness. He noticed some clots prior to presentation and now hasn’t urinated x5hours despite a real urge to micturate. He has a h/o BPH and is on coumadin for afib. At clinic yesterday his INR was 2. On sono you appreciate a full bladder […]

Daily Em Pearl, 5/1/12

A middle-aged G3P2 presents at 19wks gestation c/o abd pain that started early this AM. She had some nausea but no vomiting, a subjective fever and no loose or frequent stools. Your differential is broad but at the top is appendicitis. You d/w OB/GYN and radiology. You all agree that the patient needs imaging to […]

Subxiphoid window

The subxiphoid four chamber view is commonly used in cardiac assessments and the FAST exam and for many is the initial “go-to” view of the heart. Difficulty obtaining this window can frustrate novice and seasoned operators, and there are a few tips which can help optimize the view. It’s called SUB-xiphoid for a reason. Don’t jam the […]

Daily Em Pearl, 4/30/12

A middle aged man p/w constipation x4days, no n/v/fever. He is on methadone 120mg PO qday, chronically, 2/2 h/o IVDU. He has tried lots of OTCs, as well as prune juice and metamucil w/o relief. How can you help?

Daily Em Pearl, 4/27/12

A middle-aged lady presents to the ED but won’t tell the triage nurse what’s wrong. “I need to see a doctor, is all.” Turns out she has a rectal foreign body. On xray it appears to be an apple. On digital exam you can just feel the bottom of the apple with the distal tip […]

September 2024
