Jennifer Huang

We are very pleased to welcome the newest member of the Mount Sinai Emergency Ultrasound Division, Dr. Jennifer Huang! Dr. Huang completed her residency training at Highland Hospital in Oakland, California and an emergency ultrasound fellowship at the SUNY Downstate / Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York.  She has led emergency ultrasound courses and […]

E M Pearl, May 17

Shout out to Ben Slovis for providing this case.   22F s/p thyroidectomy here with 1 day back pain and generalized weakness.  Patient’s thyroidectomy was complicated by inadvertent parathyroidectomy, and never followed-up to manage this complication.  On exam, no concerning signs for cord compression, but significant paralumbar muscle spasms. Her EKG demonstrates a QTc of […]

Sonogames 2012

The inaugural SonoGames were held at the SAEM Scientific Assembly in Chicago this week. Thirty-eight residency programs were represented at the event, organized by Resa Lewiss and SAEM’s Academy of Emergency Ultrasound. Three rounds separated the dabblers from the master sonographers. In order to win, teams had to demonstrate ultrasound knowledge on tests and then […]

E M Pearl, May 15

Courtesy of Dr. Elikashvili.   20 month old female is BIBEMS after seizure at home just prior to presentation.  Mother describes “10 minutes” of what sounds like generalized tonic-clonic movements. No h/o seizures.  Child was born full term and 18 month vaccines UTD.  She reports 2 days preceding fever, no URI, cough, diarrhea, rash, but […]

E M Pearl, May 14

23F h/o asthma is brought in from home s/p seizure. She is currently altered, but her grandparents (whom she lives with and witnessed the seizure) are at the bedside. They deny a history of seizures and report no preceding fever. An agile ER tech produces for you the following EKG:   What are the important […]

Arcuate Vessels

Arcuate vessels are commonly seen on ultrasound evaluation of the uterus. Occasionally they can be confused with subchorionic hemorrhage, ovaries, and other structures so it’s worth looking at their characteristic appearance. Once again, thanks to Dr. Gray for his lovely, copyright-free images: Here we see the Uterine venous plexus giving rise to the helicine branches, […]

E M Pearl, May 11

Case courtesy of Joe Scofi.   65M history of CAD (on ASA/Plavix), HTN presents with 3 days of epigastric pain and “dark” stools.  Denies history of GI bleed. He drinks and smokes. Says that he had a AAA repair in Russia three years ago.  His vitals are: 101.3 (rectal)  105   115/65   20  98%. […]


Rounding out our recent trifecta of biosafety posts is a description of cavitation. Cavitation is the formation of microbubbles in liquid which has been subjected to rapid pressure changes. This can happen from a variety of causes from beating Dolphin tails, propellers, cracking your knuckles, and with ultrasound. The Mechanical Index is used to represent […]

E.m. Pearl, May 10

19M brought into pediatric resus looking toxic, diaphoretic with shallow breathing.  Temp 38.7, HR 126, BP 146/51,  RR 20,  95% on RA. Two weeks ago he had a sore throat which was strep and monospot negative.  He’s had a persistent sore throat with fever progressing to trismus, right mandibular numbness, neck stiffness, and now with […]


Notes from Grand Rounds on Cardiac Arrest Ultrasound this morning. Screencast (in process) Handout RUSH in Arrest Algorithm   References: Atkinson, P R T, D J McAuley, R J Kendall, O Abeyakoon, C G Reid, J Connolly, and D Lewis. “Abdominal and Cardiac Evaluation with Sonography in Shock (ACES): An Approach by Emergency Physicians for […]

September 2024
