Papilledema and the Crescent Sign

  What’s abnormal in this image?   Here’s a hint.  Here is an example of normal.   When evaluating for possible elevation in intracranial pressure, it has been shown that optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measurements correlate with elevated intracranial pressures.(1,2)  The optic nerve attaches to the globe posteriorly and is wrapped in a sheath that […]

Jim Tsung publishes groundbreaking pneumonia POCUS study.

It truly is the year of ultrasound — and it isn’t even 2013 yet.  Groundbreaking article on lung ultrasound by our Jim Tsung who found point of care ultrasound to be 86% sensitive and 89% specific in detecting pneumonia up to age 21.  ePub is available ahead of print in JAMA’s Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent […]

Core-Renal Ultrasound

This core didactic session recap is devoted to renal ultrasound. Point-of-care ultrasound uses focused clinical questions to guide management, and our didactic session use focused clinical questions to guide discussions of key literature. Discussants Vincent Roddy and Phillip Andrus led our group through a series of questions which bring the relevance of renal sonography home. […]


Bonus Pearl – For the previously missed one… 70 y/o  M presents with flashing lights and floaters in R eye.   He also notes decreased vision in the same eye.  R eye is painless and not TTP.  No swelling noted.  Visual acuity is 20/200 in the R eye and 20/30 in the left eye.  You […]

NYC Resuscitative Ultrasound Rounds

Were looking forward to the first citywide critical care ultrasound meeting. The idea for this gathering grew out of discussions between ED and ICU folks interested in critical care ultrasound who wanted to share experiences, interesting cases and ongoing research that would benefit from multicenter study. Date: January 3, 2013 Time: 5pm Location: 3 E […]

Bubble test

We already know it is helpful to use ultrasound to guide placement of central venous catheters. How can we use ultrasound to help confirm proper placement of an internal jugular catheter? There are several methods which have been described: Visualize the needle entering the vein (optimally in the long axis) Visualize the guide wire in the vein […]

Fractures and Nerves

Board review: fractures/dislocations and associated nerve injuries: Acetabular fracture – sciatic nerve Anterior shoulder dislocation – axillary and musculocutaneous nerve Humerus – radial nerve Elbow dislocation – ulnar or median nerve Olecranon fracture – ulnar nerve Supracondylar fracture – median, radial or ulnar nerve Hip dislocation Anterior – femoral nerve Posterior – sciatic nerve Knee […]


20 y/o M with PMHx of acne presents with severe HA.  Feels as though HA is behind eyes.  Family says that he’s been taking some new medicine for acne.  Labs notable for abnormal lfts and elevated calcium.  HCT was negative and lumbar puncture was done showing elevated pressure.  What drug was he taking and what […]

September 2024
