Ketofol, Propofol, or Ketamine + Propofol? In a recent study published in Annuals of Emergency Medicine, Ketofol (1:1) vs. Propofol alone were studied for ED procedural sedation and analgesia. The two agents were compared for adverse respiratory events, induction time, and repeated dosing required to achieve sedation.  No difference was found in all categories. In […]

In ED, we often encounter patients with known HIV infection but unknown CD4 count.  Any quick way to estimate the CD4 count so we can use it to guide treatment? Thanks to Dr. Jacob Isserman, who recommended a retrospective cohort study published in PubMed in 2011, which concluded that there is an association between ALC […]

24 year-old male, presented with multiple painful genital ulcers.  Herpes or chanchroid?  This is a question that came up during our most recent Core Didactics. Take a look at the pictures.  Which one is which? Herpes – caused by Herpes Simplex Virus  (picture on left) Presentation: Papules and vesicles on an erythematous base, erode in […]

A 60 yo F with sudden onset loss of vision in right eye, painless.  Proceeded by a few episodes of amaurosis fugax. Physical exam: pupils appear normal on initial inspection, however afferent pupil defect noted. Fundoscopic exam: cherry red spot, pale retina, +/-boxcar segmentation (not shown in this picture). DDx for loss/reduction of vision: Glaucoma, […]

55 Chinese woman, no PMH, no meds.  P/w epigastric discomfort x 2 weeks, not responding to Pepcid Maalox.  Presented to Elmhurst ED for worsening epigastric discomfort and generalized weakness.  No fever/chill. + Mild dry cough.  No chest pain. + Mild SOB with exertion.  No abd pain, n/v/d/c/dysuria.  No night sweats or weight loss, denied exposure to […]

Which of the following deficits below the level of injury is consistent with anterior cord syndrome? Loss of total sensation and motor function Bladder and bowel incontinence and loss of motor function Loss of motor function only Loss of vibration and position sensation and motor function Loss of pain and temperature sensation and motor function […]

Retrobulbar hemorrhage can result in what devastating condition? Corneal abrasion Hypopyon Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) Hyphema Corneal ulcer         Answer:   Central retinal artery occlusion  (CRAO) Retrobulbar hemorrhage results from ocular trauma almost always seen with some orbital wall fracture (although not all are associated with trauma it is by far […]

63 M complaining of erythema and pain to right side of his face for 3-4 days after being scratched by some metal. Right eye swollen shut with erythema and tenderness surrounding.   Orbital Cellulitis v. Preseptal Cellulitis 1. Preseptal Cellulitis  (also known as Periorbital) – infection of soft tissue anterior to  orbital septum (DOES NOT […]

Might as well finish the week off with just a bit more about suturing!!! Aftercare (what do you tell your patients!!) – Ointment (antibiotic for example) and dressing immediately after lac repair: Not much out there evidence wise what I could find indicates doing this Moisture promotes re-epithelialization Xeroform with gauze isn’t a bad idea […]

Let’s keep on the suturing topic and talk technique! Interrupted suture– most commonly used in ED to close percutaneous wound Wound edges must be everted Needle enters skin @ 90 degrees with the suture loop as wide as it is deep to the skin surface Try and get similar width and depth on both sides Placed […]

September 2024
