Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

@JoePinero 50 yo M hx of NIDDM, recent left shoulder surgery x 4 mo ago for rotator cuff tear, currently presenting with left arm pain from shoulder to hand with swelling and tightness of the left hand and fingers. Exam: Well-appearing male holding his left arm at his side with obvious swelling to the hand […]

Don’t Forget About the Kids….

@JoePinero Quick Case: 17 mo M child presenting with painless bright red rectal bleeding x 1 day. Benign physical exam. Afebrile, with stable vitals and normal labs. Dx: Meckels Diverticulum T99 scan for diagnosis (Sensitivity 85-97%, Specificity 97%) Surgical treatment: Indicated in severe cases, significant blood loss, persistent abdominal pain, refractory to medical treatment. Most […]

Prisoners Can Refuse Care Too

@JoePinero Prisoners can often cause a lot of ethical dilemma’s when attempting to treat them in the hospital setting. Often times, physicians are reluctant to allow prisoners to sign-out AMA. However, there have been several supreme court cases in the past that have set a solid precedent for allowing this. In brief, here is an […]

Cardiology Board Questions

1. Which of the following is the earliest EKG finding in acute MI? A. hyperacute T waves B. ST elevation C. ST depression D. T wave inversion E. Q wave 2. Which of the followingis true regarding pediatric EKG analysis? (A) Left axis deviation is normal in healthy neonates. (B) Atrial fibrillation is the most […]

No Sir, You Cannot Eat or Drink While in the Ed

@JoePinero – Much literature has been devoted to the attempt of proving the benefit of fasting as it relates to dangerous aspiration events during intubation or procedural sedation. Despite an overwhelming amount of literature pointing out a lack of benefit to fasting, most radiologist and anesthesiologists are very upset if they find out that their […]

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

@JoePinero – Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a rare diagnosis to make but can save a lot of time and frustration if you can make it. It is typically seen in young males who are frequent users of marijuana, presenting with severe abdominal pain and vomiting, likely with numerous prior visits all with negative work […]

Rockall Score for Gib

@JoePinero GI bleeds have been a subject of significant research over the past decade. Let’s review the Rockall risk stratification tool. RISK STRATISFICATION TOOL ROCKALL SCORE: Score > 3 = good prognosis (rebleed < 11%, mortality < 3%) Score > 8   (rebleed < 42%, mortality < 42 %) Vreeburg E, Terwee C, Snel P, […]

I Can’t Turn Left…

@JoePinero A 40 yo M hx of HTN, HLD, DM, PVD, who can’t turn left, is not Derek Zoolander, he’s a man having a stroke!  KNOW YOUR STROKE SYNDROMES!!! As we know, this is a favorite topic of the boards, and will time and again be asked on each board/in-service exam. So lets review some […]

September 2024
