Cluing in to Opioid Overdose…

Case: 32-year-old male brought in by EMS for altered mental status, breathing six breaths per minute. You suspect opioid overdose, what clues you in to the culprit? 1) ECG shows prolonged QTC –> 2) ECG shows widened QRS –>…

What Lies Beneath

24 y/o male working at the local aquarium presents with right hand redness, pain, and swelling after handling an exotic fish. He is able to snap a picture of the fish before presenting to the ED. What’s your diagnosis?

Ocean Surprise

48 y/o M presents after dredging for clams off the coast of Long Island. He reports finding a metallic object in his net, then throwing it overboard. Over the next two hours he develops the following…. What’s the diagnosis?

Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

@JoePinero – Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a rare diagnosis to make but can save a lot of time and frustration if you can make it. It is typically seen in young males who are frequent users of marijuana, presenting with se…

Tramadol Intox

Tox Tuesday Patient is 42 yo  M with PMH of chronic back pain (follows in pain clinic), depression BIBEMS found after wife found him with an apparent overdose attempt with an empty bottle of Tramadol next to him, last seen in USOH 4 hr prio…

Billing Headaches

A group of employees present from the billing office complaining of headache and dizziness. Because it’s been so cold recently, one of them brought in a space heater to keep under her desk. What are you concerned about? How would you…

Daily Pearl 11/11

A 58 y/o M presents to the ED with altered mental status. He smells of alcohol, appears drunk, and has a longstanding history of alcohol abuse. You obtain a serum alcohol level of 100. Further laboratory work up shows a pH 7.28 with CO2 53,…

A psych patient with abdominal tenderness and distention has the following abdominal film. Which drugs are radiopaque on xray?   

An upset mother arrives in the Peds ED saying that her 2 yo son swallowed one of her “pressure pills.” Which antihypertensives can be single dose killers for a young child?


A construction worker presents after spilling industrial cleaner on his hand while cleaning a brick building:   What possible chemical exposure should you be concerned about? What is the treatment?

76 y M p/w chest pain after using cocaine. EKG is below. What medications should be avoided in this patient? This EKG demonstrates sinus bradycardia with ST elevation in leads II, III, aVf, v3, v4, v5 and v6, suggesting inferior wall MI. In…

July 2024
