C1 Esterase Inhibitor Deficiency

A 67 year-old man presents with lower lip swelling for the past two hours, and tells you he was recently diagnosed with acquired C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency. He has normal vitals, is speaking in full sentences, and denies any sensation…

Median and Ulnar Nerve Blocks

Injuries to the hands are a frequent complaint in the emergency department. When the injury isn’t limited to a single digit, or involves larger areas of the hand such as a burn or deep laceration, a nerve block can be an effective opt…

A Strange Pearl

As the title implies, this is a strange pearl. Imagine the following: You are in a can’t intubate/can’t ventilate scenario. The patient’s neck is large, and the landmarks are poor.  You cut through a depth of redundant tis…

Proceed with caution: Pumps

CAUTION Messing with a pump is an easy way to draw the ire of your nursing colleagues. There are ways to mess this up, and every change in rate needs to be charted. If you’re going to start a drip or change a drip rate, make sure you…

Pressure Transducer Setup

There are better tutorials on how to set up a pressure transduction line. This tutorial specifically addresses the equipment available in the resuscitation bays at Mount Sinai. You need: (1) Bag of normal saline (any volume will do, prefera…

LVAD Poutpourri

This is the last segment of the LVAD-oriented series of pearls. There are a number of LVAD-related complications to be aware of. Disclaimer: I am an emergency medicine resident, not a heart failure fellow. This is my synthesis of a potpourr…

Listen for Hypoxia

The monitors at Mount Sinai (and at Elmhurst, and at most hospitals) allow you to add a tone to the pulse oximeter waveform (see: plethysmograph). The tone is a simple beep, but as the saturation drops so too does the frequency of that beep…


“Hey doc, we can’t get a line on the kid in room 7, he’s going to need an US IV” is one of the last things I want to hear while working a peds shift. I’ve put US lines in teens, but they aren’t much diffe…

September 2024
