I Can’t Turn Left…

@JoePinero A 40 yo M hx of HTN, HLD, DM, PVD, who can’t turn left, is not Derek Zoolander, he’s a man having a stroke!  KNOW YOUR STROKE SYNDROMES!!! As we know, this is a favorite topic of the boards, and will time and again be…

Persistent Cough and Ptosis

Post by @Fteranmd 55 yo M active smoker presents to the ED complaining of months of persistent cough, associated with difficulty reading due to inability to fully open his left eye. Physical exam is remarkable for findings shown in the pict…

Intermittent Visual Symptoms

57 yo M with PMHx of uncontrolled DM and HTN who presents with 3 weeks of intermittent  visual problems. Patient reports he sees flashes on both left sides of visual fields in both eyes. He is also unable to process 3D spacing and has troub…

Succinylcholine in Myasthenia Gravis

Case: 45yoF with myasthenia gravis presents in respiratory distress.  She requires urgent intubation.  Which paralytic will you use?  Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder in which antibodies target nicotinic acetylcholi…

Bp Goal in Intracerebral Hemorrhage

55 yoF h/o HTN presents BIBEMS with acute onset decreased level of consciousness, onset 3 hours prior to arrival. BP 220/140 HR 50 T 98.0 RR 10 SPO2 92%. Pt is obtunded, no localizing neuro findings. Pt intubated for airway protection. CT s…

More Than Just Teenage Angst

An 18 year old female presents to the ED with vague symptoms of lower back pain. She exhibited inappropriate and erratic behavior that seemed more than just teenage angst. The patient was thin in NAD and had a grossly normal musculoskeletal…

Daily Pearl

Back to our patient from several days ago – 65M with HIV/AIDS, CD4 count 24, and prior CNS toxoplasmosis *compliant with his secondary prophylaxis treatment*, now BIBEMS for new AMS.  The head CT (WITH contrast) showed no new lesions,…

Daily Pearl

A 65M TCC resident with a PMH of HIV (CD4 count 24, VL 12K), cerebral toxoplasmosis in 2012, seizure disorder on keppra 1000mg BID, and endstage dementia was BIBEMS from TCC at noon for status epilepticus x 1.5 hours.  He had not had his an…

Daily Pearl

You’re working in the resus room, and a code stroke is called in.  She arrives, and rather than any weakness, numbness, or facial droop, you see an elderly, unkempt woman who looks like she’s made of stone.  Her mouth is open an…

Pearl 12/17

Thanks to Dr. Glassberg for this case: A middle aged patient with pmh of htn, remote cva with minimal left sided deficits is brought in by wife after fall while intoxicated. Wife is concerned because patient falls frequently x years but now…

July 2024
