Pupillary Light Reflex

We’ve all seen ultrasound augment the physical examination and even allow for assessments we could not otherwise accomplish at the bedside. One great example is the use of ultrasound to check the pupillary light reflex. If you are won…

Snell’s Law

For some reason, most clinicians seem to grasp x-ray and CT scan imaging reasonably well. Denser structures are white, less dense are black, water dense structures are grey. Thus, when novice ultrasound users attempt to discern images creat…

Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest

  Thanks to Dr. Wasserman, Ms. Thomas and all the folks at Beth Israel Newark Medical Center Emergency Medicine.  It was a pleasure to visit your shop today and talk about ultrasound in cardiac arrest.  As promised, you will find bel…

XRS- Rib pain

32 year old female with no past medical history presents with cough for two weeks, no fever, no sputum. Multiple sick contacts with same symptoms at work. She acutely presents with left rib pain for several days.  She reports no trauma, an…

Case 5

Here’s a quick case. Patient presents with urinary retention, Foley catheter placed, blood-tinged urine output. Initially the patient experiences great relief but gradually develops suprapubic discomfort again. Questions: What’s…

Ultrasound Manual 2011

  The Manual of Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound, 2nd Edition is now available from Cambridge University Press and major booksellers. The book details evidence-based protocols for the use of bedside ultrasound in the acute and cr…

Ponte Vedra 2011

Once again our annual ultrasound course in Ponte Vedra was a great success! Participants got an early start on the Clinical Decision Making in Emergency Medicine symposium by honing their ultrasound skills at our pre-conference course. Nati…

TEE and SCCM Cardiac Care Conference

Sinai Ultrasound’s own Rob Arntfield served as ultrasound faculty at the recent Society of Critical Care Medicine’s Summer Conference entitled “Acute Cardiac Care.” The conference was held in Banff, Alberta, Canada a…

Critical Care Ultrasound

The largest known ultrasound course ever held took place this past weekend in Baltimore, MD. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) program called Ultrasonography: Fundamentals in Critical Care Ultrasound drew over 200 participants…


The Mount Sinai Divisions of EMS and Ultrasound were proud to work with the New York City Fire Department Rescue Medics on a prehospital ultrasound training session. Kevin Chason and Bret Nelson were accompanied by Ultrasound Division membe…

2011 Ultrasound CME conference

Our annual ultrasound CME conference held on March 7 was a great success! Faculty, fellows and PAs from a number of institutions took part in our seventh annual conference. Topics included ultrasound for airway, breathing, circulation, disa…

Artifacts 3 – Mirror in the wall

This is a longitudinal view of trachea, the air-mucosa interface just beneath the tracheal wall. What are the structures “A” and “B”? Answers: A – Reverberation artifact from air-mucosal interface B – Mirror imag…

September 2024
