Cardiac tamponade

One of the major indications for bedside cardiac ultrasound is the detection of pericardial effusion and its extreme form, cardiac tamponade. You may remember that Beck’s Triad (hypotension, jugular venous distension, and muffled or d…

Pupillary Light Reflex

We’ve all seen ultrasound augment the physical examination and even allow for assessments we could not otherwise accomplish at the bedside. One great example is the use of ultrasound to check the pupillary light reflex. If you are won…

Snell’s Law

For some reason, most clinicians seem to grasp x-ray and CT scan imaging reasonably well. Denser structures are white, less dense are black, water dense structures are grey. Thus, when novice ultrasound users attempt to discern images creat…

NYSORA Winter Symposium 2011

Fellows Leila PoSaw and Gene Chan attended the NYSORA (New York School of Regional Anesthesia) Winter Symposium held on December 17-18, 2011 at the Marriott Marquis Hotel on Broadway. In addition to the expected excellent lectures and educa…

XRS- Rib pain

32 year old female with no past medical history presents with cough for two weeks, no fever, no sputum. Multiple sick contacts with same symptoms at work. She acutely presents with left rib pain for several days.  She reports no trauma, an…

Case 5

Here’s a quick case. Patient presents with urinary retention, Foley catheter placed, blood-tinged urine output. Initially the patient experiences great relief but gradually develops suprapubic discomfort again. Questions: What’s…

Ultrasound Manual 2011

  The Manual of Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound, 2nd Edition is now available from Cambridge University Press and major booksellers. The book details evidence-based protocols for the use of bedside ultrasound in the acute and cr…

Spleen Tips

Hippocrates, Galen, and a host of classical physicians wrote extensively on the spleen and its maladies. As I’m sure you recall, the spleen is tasked with the metabolism of black bile. Failure of the spleen to clear this fluid leads t…

International Space Station Ultrasound

In case your department doesn’t have the funds to get you a new ultrasound machine on a regular basis, don’t despair. The ultrasound machine on the International Space Station has just been swapped out with a newer model, after…

ACEM Bangkok 2011

Here are the references and brief overview of Bret Nelson’s talk at the 2011 ACEM conference in Bangkok, Thailand on July 5. The Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) was first described decades ago and hundred of citat…

Ponte Vedra 2011

Once again our annual ultrasound course in Ponte Vedra was a great success! Participants got an early start on the Clinical Decision Making in Emergency Medicine symposium by honing their ultrasound skills at our pre-conference course. Nati…

Tips and Tricks: Probe Rotation

Probe Manipulation – Rotation from Sinai EM Ultrasound on Vimeo. How do you obtain that nice long image of the peripheral blood vessel for a longitudinal approach? It is easy to say ‘rotate the probe 90 degrees from the transver…

Polish language Ultrasound Manual

For those of you waiting with bated breath: The Polish language translation of the Manual of Emergency and Critical Care Ultrasound is now available! The book (by Vicki Noble, Bret Nelson, and Nicholas Sutingco) is now available in English,…

July 2024
