Wet Read on Lateral Knee Film

Your 14 year old male patient fails the Ottawa Knee or Pittburgh Knee clinical decision tool after gettting whacked in the knee with some object of some kind or another. He’s tender near the tibial tuberosity and he refuses to extend…

Femoral Nerve Blocks for Hip Fractures

by @benazan I have been surprised by the lack of pain in some patient with hip fracture. Most I have seen seem to be fine as long as the remain perfectly still. However, how often does that happen? After x-rays, multiple attending and resid…

Cus It Up with Teamstepps…

by @BenAzan   Over the last several months, the Mount Sinai Emergency Department has been implementing TeamSTEPPS to improve the workflow, communication and operations in the Emergency Department. What is TeamSTEPPS? It’s essenti…

A Brief History of Today

By @BenAzan What pearl could I possibly find worthy of continuing tweets and dissemination? The last two posts, one of which was retweeted by both @M_Lin and @precordialthump (thanks!), are a tough act to follow. So first I thought about ma…

Predicting a Difficult Airway

By @BenAzan Today’s post on Resus.me by @cliffreid was yet another reminder of how challenging (if not impossible) it is to predict a difficult airway.  The study he quotes (1) looked at ~188000 intubations by anesthetists in Denmark….

How to Succeed in 2015

As the year is coming to an end, a great place to look for inspiration for 2015 is Academic Life in Emergency Medicine’s series “How I work Smarter“. I’ve been reading these and wanted to share some highlights. The f…

Wide Complex Tachy…a Case

A nurse hands you this EKG with a concerned look… She say it’s a 35 y/o man who is coming in for shortness of breath and palpitations since last night. The next question you ask is vitals? Yes! BP 96/57, HR 201 ,RR25, pO2 99 on…

Want to Get into Social Media?

Despite the fact that some at Sinai believe that social media is not essential for your education, others think it’s critically important. The concept is called FOAM for Free Open Access Medical education. You can read a full history…

Pittfalls in Dvt Management

You’re on your last patient of the day, starting to thinking about which type of sushi you’re going to order later, when the ultrasound comes back. Positive study, you were sure of it, after all, the patient had a hx of cancer a…

July 2024
