Top 3 Articles: FAST

The FAST exam is the prototypical application of emergency ultrasound. However, it is important to know that there are limited randomized controlled trials assessing the utility of the FAST exam. Despite this, let’s look at three good…

Airway Mythology

As promised, here are selected references from today’s talk on Airway Management Mythology. Thanks to the organizers of the International Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICEM) for the invitation to speak. Some of the topics discusse…

Status Epilepticus

Here are some key references from today’s lecture on Status Epilepticus at ICEM: FERNE’s seizure and status epilepticus management guide Key practice guidelines related to seizures: ACEP Clinical Policy: Critical Issues In The E…

Top 3 Articles – DVT

In this series, we cut to the chase and highlight our choice for the the top three articles on a given topic. Read on for the articles and brief discussion. Three DVT articles that every emergency physician should know. What are they? 1) If…

XRS – 1

X-Ray Stinks #1: Finger Injury In this new series we will highlight cases where ultrasound proved more useful than x-ray. A seven year old boy presented with distal phalanx pain, tenderness after a fall. The following x-ray was performed: W…

Gulfcoast ultrasound

Bret Nelson recently filmed a webinar on critical care ultrasound at Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute in Florida. He discussed evaluation of the hypotensive patient, incorporating Scott Weingart’s RUSH exam as well as other literature o…

Critical Ultrasound Journal

The Emergency and Critical Care community will no doubt benefit from this new journal.  The Critical Ultrasound Journal is the official publication of the international ultrasound group WINFOCUS (world interactive network focused on critic…

Ponte Vedra 2010

We are pleased to present our annual critical care ultrasound pre-conference course at the Clinical Decision Making in Emergency Medicine symposium in Ponte Vedra, Florida on June 23. Each year this intensive, hands on course features ultra…

WINFOCUS Pisa 2010

The second session of the 1st International Consensus Conference on Pleural and Lung Ultrasound was held in Pisa, Italy May 11-12.  Ultrasound leaders from across the globe were present, including Mount Sinai’s Jim Tsung. Thwarting r…

July 2024
