78 yo f presents with generalized weakness. Patient denies any complaints per se and was brought in by family member after patient could not answer her door due to her weakness. Vital signs were stable. Physical exam was unremarkable and she had not other ROS complaints. Initial venous blood gas revealed pH of 7.21, pco2 […]

23 year old male with HIV presents with 1 week of fever, cough with yellow sputum, malaise presents with worsening of symptoms. Patient has vital signs of T103, P110, BP135/89, sat 90% on RA. Physical exam reveals coarse rhonchi bilaterally. His initial pa02 is 78 mm Hg. Below is the chest x-ray.     What […]

April 22nd, 2013

It has been a long, eventful week in the wake of the tragedies in Boston and to honor those who were affected by the attacks, I would like those who are able, to have a moment of silence at 2:50 PM.  To those further interested, below is the link to ‘The One Fund Boston’ to […]

Pearl April 22nd, 2013

Good morning! Please see above for a response to last week’s tragedy.   44 yo female presenting with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Patient is a chronic alcoholic with no other drug use admitted. Patient is tachycardic to 116 and hypotensive 90/68. She is alert and oriented x 3 but actively vomiting clear non-bilious and […]

Sinai Em Pearl 04/11/2013

Oh bother *sigh* its Thursday April 11, 2013. Cloudy today 56 degrees with 30% chance of rain, going down to 44 degrees tonight with 60% chance of rain.      Let’s try to brighten up our day with another wonderful pearl by yours truly! 55 year old Caucasian male, presents with right shoulder pain after bicycle […]

Bonus Peds Pearl

Summer!! I love summer!! Its a beautiful, gorgeous day in the big bad city! Beware the T-storms later tonight! Thanks to Dr. Elizabeth Weinstein from Indiana University School of Medicine for a riveting and wonderful lecture on potentially lethal diseases with easy-to-miss signs and symptoms. In the same vein, I would like to present a […]

Sinai Empearl 4/4/13

Vasopressors and Inotropes in the Critically Ill Patient  RECEPTORS:  Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors are located in vascular walls, induces significant vasoconstriction  Beta-1 adrenergic receptors are most common in the heart and mediate ionotropy and chronotropy    Beta-2 adrenergic receptors in blood vessels induces vasodilatation  Dopamine receptors are present in the renal, splanchnic, coronary, and cerebral vascular […]

Quick and Dirty- ESCHARTOMY   Full-thickness skin burns result in the formation of a tough, inelastic mass of burnt tissue/eschar. By virtue of this inelasticity, there may be accumulation of fluid within the confined anatomic spaces underlying the eschar potentially resulting in a burn induced compartment syndrome. Briefly, compartment syndrome is defined as a compartmental […]

Sinai Em Pearl 3/29

  STATUS EPILEPTICUS Persistent seizure >5minutes or recurrent seizures without return to consciousness in 5 minutes Initial Treatment Lorazepam (preferred over diazepam because longer t1/2 of distribution in CNS): 2-4 mg IV every 10-15 minutes (maximum dose 12mg) Fosphenytoin: 20 PE/kg IV at a rate of 150 PE/min or Phenytoin: 20 mg/kg at a rate of 50 […]

Syncope with a Deadly Ekg

33 male-smoker, denies cocaine use or family history of sudden cardiac death, presents to the ED with dry cough, chills, myalgias x 1 week now complicated by one episode of syncope one-night prior without any chest pain, palpitations, SOB, incontinence. After having LOC, he awoke, crawled into bed and went to sleep. The next day […]

September 2024
