Ultrasound Signs of Appendicitis

                  Appendicitis on ultrasound – the first step is to identify the appendix by finding a blind-ending tubular structure arising from the base of the cecum. The sonographic signs of appendicitis include: dilated appendix > 6mm outer diameter (left image) noncompressible distinct appendiceal wall layers due to edema (left image) target appearance […]

Dimer Dimes

Quantitative D-dimer is a common screening tool to rule-out pulmonary embolism in low-risk population but is there more that it can tell us?   Yes, there have been studies linking increasing d-dimers to: 1) likelihood of PE, 2) location of PE, and 3) clot burden. 1. The level of d-dimer has been shown that with […]

Severe Aortic Stenosis

Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday   Patient is 72 yo F wtih PMH of HTN, severe aortic stenosis presented to ED with dizziness and shortness of breath, progressively worse over the last 2 weeks, both symptoms worse with exertion. Patient progressively becomes hypotension to 70’s/40’s but still responsive, you strongly suspect this is secondary to the […]

Tramadol Intox

Tox Tuesday Patient is 42 yo  M with PMH of chronic back pain (follows in pain clinic), depression BIBEMS found after wife found him with an apparent overdose attempt with an empty bottle of Tramadol next to him, last seen in USOH 4 hr prior. When EMS arrived on scene, noted some seizure-like activity lasting […]


Microbio Monday   CASE 42 yo F, previously healthy, presents to ED with 4-5 days of fever, chills, nonproductive cough followed by muscle aches. Symptoms are getting worse and have not responded to OTC treatments. Patient presented today after noticing bleeding from the gums that have not stopped after brushing her teeth this morning, also […]

Flexor Tenosynovitis

Tenosynovitis = inflammation of a tendon and its sheath.  Most acute cases of flexor tenosynovitis (FT) are infectious but may also be secondary to inflammation from noninfectious cause (e.g. diabetes, overuse, arthritis) Infectious tenosynovitis May be result of trauma with direct inoculation (eg, laceration, puncture or bite), contiguous spread from infected adjacent soft tissues, or […]

Tick-borne Illness – Not All Lyme

27M h/o sickle cell anemia presents with high fevers, sweats, HA, muscle aches, N/V.  Recent camping trip in New England.  Blood smear shows the following:   Diagnosis? What complications would you worry about?  

The Normotensive Pulmonary Embolism Patient

Early death (within 7-30 days) in PE patients is concerning. It is relatively easy to identify high-risk PE patients, defined by abnormal vitals SBP < 90 or drop in SBP by 40 for at least 5 min. Normotensive patients with poor prognostic indicators include (statistically significant odds ratios): – SBP between 90-100 (OR 2.45) – […]

Young Female with Hemoptysis

A 24 year old female from Europe presents with progressive shortness of breath and hemoptysis. O2 sat is 94%. CXR is clear. PSH includes silicone implants in gluteal area. Meds include OCPs. Travel from Eastern Europe 2 months ago. D-dimer is negative. CTA is negative for embolus. What is the diagnosis?

A Pediatric Pearl

This week, PECARN published a study that determined that isolated loss of consciousness (LOC) is not a strong enough predictive factor for a clinically significant traumatic brain injury, which they define as requiring intubation, extended inpatient observation, and/or neurosurgical intervention (rate of  0.5% (95% CI, 0.2-0.8; 13 of 2780). The rate is slightly higher for […]

September 2024
