DKA without the ICU

As we discussed yesterday, the treatment algorithm for DKA is fairly straightforward with a few subtleties we rarely appreciate, until now. Yesterday we focused on fluids, today we move on to the insulin. Can we offer the patient anything else beside an insulin drip? Obviously the answer is yes, or else this pearl wouldn’t exist. […]

Diluting your sugar

Last week, we closed out the week by discussing the dischargable, ‘benign sugars,’ but what about when you have the legit ‘sugars.’ We’re talking about DKA. While the algorithm for DKA is fairly straight forward – fluids, insulin, replete lytes prn, admit / ICU consult, there are some often under appreciated subtleties we neglect in […]

The oft forgotten ‘centesis

Inspired by Dr. Schuberg’s outstanding procedural skillz this week, I present the thoracentesis: Indications: Suspected pleural space infection, new effusion without diagnosis, and relief of dyspnea caused by large effusion Contraindications: severe clotting abnormality (relative) Complications: Ptx, cough, infection, hemothorax, re-expansion pulmonary edema, air embolism. Technique: No specific technique has been shown to be superior […]

Doc, I got the sugars, I cannot go home? Or can I…

Before answering that question, I need to acknowledge EM topics ( for bringing this important article to my attention since this is nearly a daily occurrence in our ED. So, do you need to lower blood sugar to a magical, non-evidenced based threshold prior to discharge? Like everything, the answer is…. It depends, but in […]

Is that really necessary? Pretreatment for RSI

Intubating a patient with a suspected head bleed is one of the highest risk situations we encounter as ED physicians. A failed attempt with enough airway manipulation can potentially increase ICP and have profound negative effects on patient outcomes. EM dogma, perhaps antiquated, dictates pretreatment with an opiate, typically fentayl, and lidocaine. But is the […]


If yesterday’s post on Roids didn’t get you jack’d then maybe today’s will! Here’s part deuce – Topical Steroids Spoiler alert – if you are using 1% hydrocortisone for every rash everywhere then you are likely underdosing! Dope up your knowledge with this killer chart. [spacer height=”20px”] [pdf-embedder url=””] [spacer height=”20px”] References: Ference JD, Last AR. Choosing topical corticosteroids. Am Fam […]


Summer’s here! Time to hit the gym and review your steroid-knowledge. What’s the difference between prednisone/prednisolone/methyprednisolone again?  Well, I’ll give you a hint… its not a pre/post work out fix! [spacer height=”20px”] Check out this chart below for a quick review. [spacer height=”20px”] [pdf-embedder url=””] [spacer height=”20px”] References: Tintinalli’s 7 edition, Chapter 132  

Lumbar Puncture Pearls

Lumbar punctures (LPs) can be tricky even for an experienced provider. Here are some pro tips to help you look like an all-star! Set up: The LP tray contains only a small amount of  lidocaine (~3mls). If you need to make a second attempt in another intervertebral space you may not have enough remaining anesthetic. Bring […]

Kids eat the darndest things!

Did you know you can use a regular old metal detector to rule-in a metallic swallowed foreign body in children? It’s true! Several studies have been published in The Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine out of  The Royal Hospital for Children located in Glasgow, Scotland. In one large prospective study,  186 children presented to the ED […]

September 2024
