(De) Winter is coming

  A middle-aged man presented to the ED with chest pain for the past 2 hours. This is his EKG. What’s your next move?       If you look at the anterior leads, you’ll notice upsloping ST depressions and tall, symmetric, prominent t waves. This pattern is known as De Winter’s T wave pattern. […]

Dosing that Special K for pain

The traditional dosing range of ketamine for analgesia is 0.1-0.6mg/kg IV.  It’s funny to use the word traditional because ketamine is still not completely universally considered an option for analgesia, despite its increasingly wider acceptance in the ED and growing amount of research literature supporting its use as an analgesic agent. It’s still technically off-label […]

You want me to stick my finger where?

A blind digital intubation involves using one’s own fingers to feel the laryngeal inlet and then guide an ETT or bougie into the trachea. Read about it, but never thought I’d see it in the ED. Until recently as an almost last resort. So I thought it was worth looking into it a bit. We […]

Don’t forget about the linear probe!

  Chief Complaint: Pregnant, vaginal bleeding An evaluation of first trimester vaginal bleeding certainly entails a pelvic exam and a bedside ultrasound to eval for ectoptic pregnancy. We are looking for an intrauterine pregnancy. You know the feeling. Please, just let me visualize an IUP! If you still haven’t tried using the linear probe to […]

Broselow to the Rescue!

How do you calculate the correct ETT size for a child in a pediatric resuscitation? ETT size = (age + 16) / 4 ETT size = (age/4) + 4 ETT size = 4 + 1/4 age If you find yourself thinking about the order of operations (PEMDAS for anyone who missed elementary school math class) during […]


It’s not just about the squeeze. You gotta think about the filling. Yes, today we’re talking about diastology (I didn’t make that word up) AKA diastolic heart failure AKA heart failure with preserved ejection fraction AKA that other heart failure.   Your patient with a history of CAD and HTN rolls in acutely short of […]

Baby Hearts and Flipped T Waves

  Take a look at the above EKG. If you saw this in a 70 year old patient with chest pain, you might be a bit concerned. Tachycardic, inverted T waves anteriorly, a partial RBBB in V1. Are these ischemic changes going on? Where is this man’s prior EKG?! But wait, here’s the good news. […]

Skin Not Tough Enough?

Steri-strip and Suture Combo Technique for Repairing Fragile Skin   Old people.  They come with all sorts of problems and complications. Even simple lacerations are more complicated with them. Have you ever encountered a laceration in an elderly patient whose skin was just so fragile and thin that even your suture just tears right through […]

How deep should I place my CVC?

All the hard parts are done in the placement of your central line. You nicked the vein and NOT the artery. The wire threaded smoothly. You got confirmation on your ultrasound. Now, you just insert the triple lumen in over the wire. Inserting a central line to the right depth on your first try without […]

Naloxone, for more than just opiate reversal

This week we have seen some interesting uses of naloxone in the Sinai ED, so let’s review: Naloxone for pruritis? Why yes. Several randomized controlled trials have shown Naloxone to be efficacious in all sorts of pruritic conditions – chronic urticarial, atopic dermatitis, Psoriasis Vulgaris – to name a few. The dose range is high, […]

September 2024
