47 y/o M BIBEMS altered mental status (wife called EMS from out of country because husband hasn’t been heard from in 2 days) no history available from patient.  ? short lasting tonic-clonic activity noted on arrival. Vitals: 101.7  128  140…

Back to some more Board-Style questions: 56 y/o F with acute organophosphate overdose, severe bronchorrhea, bradycardia and coma. She is intubated for airway protection and atropine therapy initiated. After 10 mg Atropine her HR is 130, BP…

32 F – presents with AMS. EMS reports neighbors smelled gas and called 911. They found patient unresponsive (? Sleeping) initially in the apt.  Patient doesn’t remember these events  but does recall that she is staying at a friends and had…


20 y/o M with PMHx of acne presents with severe HA.  Feels as though HA is behind eyes.  Family says that he’s been taking some new medicine for acne.  Labs notable for abnormal lfts and elevated calcium.  HCT was negative and lumbar…

A 50 year old man presents with agitation and delirium.  He has sinus tachycardia to 120bpm but his vital signs are otherwise within normal ranges. He answers some questions, but is disoriented, illogical and rambling.  He is picking at “an…

Clinical Pearl: July 23

Interesting couple of pearls today regarding adenosine boluses for treatment of SVT courtesy of Bryan Hayes (@PharmERToxGuy). Standard dose is 6mg followed by 12mg, except under certain circumstances: The ingestion of caffeine prior to an a…

E M Pearl, May 14

23F h/o asthma is brought in from home s/p seizure. She is currently altered, but her grandparents (whom she lives with and witnessed the seizure) are at the bedside. They deny a history of seizures and report no preceding fever. An agile E…

Em Pearl, 5/7/12

Courtesy of Jen Galjour. 28M presents obtunded. EMS reports open bottle of antifreeze next to patient on scene. Initial vitals are 98.0 130  90s/50s 37  96%.  Super stat shows pH 6.8, HCO3 8, lactate 12.  Patient is swiftly intubated. You i…

Daily Em Pearl, 4/23/12

A young man is brought in by his buddy because he’s “freaking out.” He isn’t making any sense to you but expresses fear that he’s going to die. He is having visual hallucinations. The friend reports they were h…

July 2024
