The Bends

You are fed up with the big city, so you decide to take a job as an ‘island doc’ in the Caribbean. Life is good. It’s your second day on the job, and an 18 year old man is carried into your clinic with severe knee pain and…

A 30 year old male presents to your ED, complaining of wrist pain following a fall while playing roller hockey. He denies wearing protective gear. On exam he has point tenderness over the dorsal aspect of his R wrist. You order an plain fil…

I Can’t See!

32 year old male with history of HTN, presents to your ED complaining of progressive R eye pain and decreased visual acuity after a wooden plank stuck him in the face at work about 2 hours prior. He denies other injuries, denies LOC, denies…

A Tale of Two Trachs

34 year old male with PMHx quadriplegia 2/2 GSW 8 years prior, with elective tracheostomy after his early disease course was complicated by frequent intubations for sepsis, presents to ED from NH with fever x1 day. On arrival, pt is febrile…

Endocarditis Pearls

Endocarditis Pearls   H&P – Flu like symptoms + murmur – Janeway lesions – painless, red macule/patch, palms/soles, culture bacteria from the lesion, embolic manifestation of endocarditis   – Osler nodes- pai…

Med Students

Introduction to Point-of-Care Ultrasound Using the ultrasound machine Cardiac Lung IVC Handout Basic cardiac ultrasound We will cover two cardiac views: Subxiphoid 4-chamber Parasternal long axis   We will use these views to assess: Ca…

Brachial veins

When assessing patients with difficult peripheral venous access it is often helpful to look in the medial upper arm. Here, the brachial artery (A) and veins (V) are predictably located between the biceps and brachialis muscles. The median n…

Tubo-ovarian Abscess

32F no PMH, p/w fever and abdominal pain x 5 days. Seen 5 days ago at OSH and treated for UTI w bactrim. Seen 2 days later, switched to doxycycline for presumed PID. GC/chlamydia negative.  Returns today w persistent pain and fever. Pain is…

Kanavel’s Sign

Kanavel’s sign: clinical sign found in patients with flexor tenosynovitis (infection of flexor tendon sheath of hand) –       involved digit kept in flexed position –       tenderness to palpation over tendor sheath –     …

Ultrasound Guided Lp

Ultrasound guided LP   Equipment needed: –       high-frequency (small parts linear probe) for patients with normal weight –       low-frequency 2-4 MHZ probe (abdominal curvilinear probe) for obese patients –       t…

Chlamydia Conjunctivitis in Newborn

10d male p/w R eye tearing and discharge x1 day. Today purulent. Born FT via NSVD, uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery. No fever. No vomiting, diarrhea. No URI. Taking good PO.  On exam, AFVSS, R eye diffuse soft tissue swelling, crusting…

Inferior Shoulder Dislocations

55 yo F presents with shoulder pain after fall from bicycle: Also known as “luxatio erecta”  – to place upward   Inferior shoulder Dislocation     Mechanism of injury: fall and sudden grasp of object above head resultin…

Talking About Goals of Care

Highlights from a rundown on end of life discussions in the ED taken from a lecture by Ashley Shreves: “…not all dying pt should have CPR. Some evaluation should be made before proceeding. The cardiac arrest should be sudden and…

Tall R in V1 Differential?

My CCU attending asked me to, if nothing else, remember 3 causes of a tall R wave in V1. In my diligence I have indeed remembered nothing else. What’s in your differential?  

July 2024
