Got Propofol?

You are setting up for procedural sedation and would like to use propofol. What allergies should you ask of first? (Besides prior propofol allergy) [1]

Alumni Follow-up with Dr. Nelson Wong

Dr. Nelson Wong, 2013 grad of the Sinai EM residency, then chief academic resident, came back to his home turf to give a great session on chest pain, with many bonus pearls and concepts about how we learn. What has Dr. Nelson been up to in…

At Least the Pad Thai Was Tasty…

[1] Your fellow resident just returned from a long lunch break, raving about how good his meal was. He doesn’t seem to notice, but his breathing is labored and his face and arms are covered in an urticarial rash. What is the most likely con…

Cluing in to Opioid Overdose…

Case: 32-year-old male brought in by EMS for altered mental status, breathing six breaths per minute. You suspect opioid overdose, what clues you in to the culprit? 1) ECG shows prolonged QTC –> 2) ECG shows widened QRS –>…

Bind the Pelvis

You are evaluating a patient in the trauma bay with a suspected unstable pelvic injury. Without a commercial device, how can you temporarily stabilize it?

Panic Button!

You are asked by the triage nurse to evaluate a pregnant patient whose water broke and is experiencing contractions. Over the course of the next 45 seconds, you find yourself holding a newborn boy. He’s limp, apneic and not making a sound….

A Bucket O’ Blood

You are taking a water break during your resus shift when you hear “clinical upgrade, acute zone 1”. You rush back to see a 60-year-old patient holding a bucket of bright red blood and you find out that he has an extensive PMH including Hep…

P or Iup?

A G1P0 10-week pregnant female presents to the ED with lower abdominal pain and vaginal spotting. She’s had no prenatal care. Being the highly motivated resident that you are, before even the urine is collected and the pregnancy is verified…

Activate the Cath Lab? Not So Fast.

The traditional teaching (and pre-2013 ACC/AHA guidelines) for a new left bundle branch block (LBBB) on EKG (shown above) is that it is a STEMI equivalent and the cath lab should be activated. However, recent evidence in the last several ye…

Stroke or Discharge?

It’s 4pm on Monday and you’re the resus resident at Sinai with all 5 beds full and 2 more waiting in the hallway. Despite channeling your inner Stephanie Hernandez you’re still completely overwhelmed. The triage nurse calls yet another resu…

July 2024
