Daily EM Pearl 3/28

 A 30yoM presents with a GCS of 7 after a trauma to the head, shallow respirations, saturating 100% RA, otherwise normal vitals. You decide that the patient needs to be intubated and begin preparing your equipment. You place the patient on…

Daily EM Pearl 3/27

A 6 day old baby presents pale and lethargic. HR 200, BP undetectable, O2 saturation 90%, RR: 40, finger stick 20. You give dextrose but symptoms do not improve. You suspect congenital heart disease and confirm this with a hyperoxia test. Y…

Daily EM Pearl 3/26

A 66yoM with advanced CHF s/p LVAD, who was in his usual state of health, presents because he felt his AICD fire multiple times. In the ED, his rhythm shows ventricular tachycardia. A pulse, blood pressure or oxygen saturation cannot be obt…

Daily EM Pearl 3/23

A 60yoM with h/o hypertension presents with palpitations x 24 hours. He has never had this before. In the ED, he has normal vital signs but his rhythm shows atrial fibrillation. You do blood tests including a ddimer, BMP, troponin, and a ch…

Daily EM Pearl 3/22

In light of the ultrasound conference that very few of us could attend: A dialysis patient presents with mild hypotension and respiratory distress. Bedside ultrasound was done with the parasternal long view shown below. You are unable to ac…

Daily EM Pearl 3/21

A 30yoM stabbed in the left 4th IC space suddenly arrests as he rolls into the trauma bay. You perform a left sided thoracotomy, open the pericardium, to find a laceration to the left ventricle which you put your index finger over, successf…

Lung Ultrasound Guidelines

Congratulations to Sinai’s own Dr. Jim Tsung, who recently coauthored a major evidence-based consensus guideline on point-of-care lung ultrasound. The manuscript is the result of a multi-national effort by pioneering clinician-sonogra…

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012 – Daily EM Pearl

A 12 y/o M with a pmh of sickle cell disease presents to the ED for evaluation of chest pain and sob x 1 day’s duration. The child appears in mild respiratory distress, vs are normal with exception of the SpO2 of 93% on RA. Below is the che…

Left upper quadrant fluid

One common source of confusion or false positives in the FAST exam is the assessment of the left upper quadrant. We’ve already covered some tips on improving your view of the spleen. This post will illustrate how the stomach can mimic…


Finding the right angle is critical to optimal imaging. In fact ‘right angle’ or perpendicular imaging is the best way to get a clear image. At 90 degrees, many more sound beams reflect back to the transducer than at more shallo…

SPR Fellow Clinical Research Award

Sinai’s own Dr. Lana Friedman, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow, was just named one of three recipients of the prestigious SPR Fellow Clinical Research Award. Her abstract entitled, “Accuracy of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) b…

July 2024
