Give Me a Hand Here

You are caring for an alcoholic well known to your emergency department.  He presents with intoxication.  His labs are normal, except for an EtOH level of 400.  You monitor him for 8 hours and feed him.  As you’re getting ready to dis…

A Shocking Development

A 45 year old male playing tennis is struck by lightning and witnessed by bystanders.  He is thrown several feet.  He appears to be in cardiac arrest and CPR is started.  After 5 minutes EMS arrives.  His initial rhythm is asystole.  His pu…

You are currently treating a patient in the ED for a TCA over dose.  She has received bicarb, but go into a sustained ventricular tachycardia, with pulses.   What is the next medication of choice A. Amiodarone B. Propranol C. Electricity D….

Wha Happened?

A 19 year old female with a pmh of acne presents with the Emergency Department for the second time in 3 months with a complaint of epigastric pain.  She states that the last episode resolved after 3 without speaking to her doctor.  Her pain…

Chest Pain

A 65 year old Female Presents to the ED with a complaints of severe chest pain. Her medical history is significant for HTN, DM, HLD. The patient states the pain started after she was told Derek Jeter was going to retire Her EKG is below As…

Whats the Difference?

What is the Differential Diagnosis for the following EKg         Differential Diagnosis of ST Elevation   1. Myocardial Infarction 2. Printzmetal’s angina 3. Male Pattern – being a man – the more manly, the hi…

Cqr Qtip

QTip: Patients with new neurologic deficits that present outside the reperfusion window or with unknown duration of symptoms may have a time-sensitive dangerous condition other than acute ischemic stroke (e.g. intracranial hemorrhage) and s…


A 46 year old female with a history of rheumatoid arthritis, on daily steroids, presents complaining of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting x 5 days. She has been unable to tolerate PO, including her medications for the past three days. Up…


A 22 year old male is brought into the ED by EMS, after being pulled out of the lake in Central Park. He had been walking on the ice when it broke, and he fell into the water. His friends were able to drag him to shore. As per EMS, he was f…

Frozen Feet

After a four hour football game in Denver in the sleet, -21 degrees with windchill, a player took off his cleats in the locker room and reported that his feet felt numb. The trainer noted bilateral white extremities with an area of ecchymos…

Billing Headaches

A group of employees present from the billing office complaining of headache and dizziness. Because it’s been so cold recently, one of them brought in a space heater to keep under her desk. What are you concerned about? How would you…

New Year’s Eye-ve

A 53 year old man presents with severe sudden onset pain in his left eye associated with nausea and cloudy vision. He describes seeing halos around lights. His symptoms started when he entered a dark nightclub where he was planning to celeb…

Nailed It

A 79 year old female presents the day after the New York Marathon, complaining of a painful R big toe. She wore old sneakers to run the race, her 50th marathon, and feels that her toe may have rubbed up against the toe box of the shoe. How…

Thumbs Up

A 25 year old rugby player presents with R thumb pain that began yesterday. She reports that she was trying to make a tackle and was stiff-armed. She fell to the ground, landing on an outstretched hand. Her pain is localized to the MCP join…

Hot Math

A 25 year old male was brought into the ED after his shirt caught on fire when he accidentally leaned back while sitting near a fireplace. He has partial-thickness burns on his entire back and the posterior aspect of both arms. He weighs 85…

July 2024
