Us Guided Subclavian Line

There was a study published on the Journal of Critical Care Medicine in July 2011 comparing US guided vs landmark approach to subclavian vein central line placement.  In the study, “subclavian vein cannulation was achieved in 100% of…

Where’s the Cuff?

After intubation, a quick and easy way to estimate ET tube position is by palpating the sternal notch and feeling for the ET cuff.  By holding on to the pilot balloon (balloon used to check if cuff is inflated) and palpating on the sternal…

I Can’t Feel a Pulse!

53 yo M w/ PMHx of HTN, CAD, and CHF s/p LVAD placement presents to the ED w/ c/o CP.  Patient reports he had mild CP overnight but this morning woke up with increasing SOB and severe CP radiating to his R arm.  He immediately called 911 an…

Kill Billy; Volume 3

EMS calls in to the department and states they are en-route w/ an ETA of 5 minutes w/ an 8 yo M w/ no known PMHx in severe distress, no further history provided. 3 minutes later an 8 yo M is wheeled into the department by EMS, the child is…

A Little Intoxicated…

23 yo M w/ no known PMHx presents to the ED BIBEMS for AMS.  Patient is awake but appears slightly confused, he is salivating and spitting in the ED but able to protect his airway and his vitals are stable, he has no signs of trauma, no abn…

Elderly Female with Complaint of Neck Pain.

Elderly female w/ PMHx of TIA, DM, and remote breast Cancer history reportedly in remission presented to the ED w/ c/o R-sided neck pain radiating to her R trapezius for 2 days.  No fevers or chills, no Hx of trauma or falls, no vision chan…

Airway Basics

  For Patients in Cardiac Arrest use LMA until there is ROSC and situation under control   Induction Agents Etomidate: 0.3mg/kg IV dose, “cardiac Stable,” unclear effect if dose decreased, may not be ideal for patients…

I Think My 17-month-old Baby is Drunk!

17-month-old F w/ no sig PMHx presents to the ED accompanied by her mother who is concerned because her baby is “acting drunk.” Mother reports child was staying with grandparents over the weekend and today began “walking f…

Interesting Case of Facial Swelling

  Interesting Case of Facial Swelling. 55 yo F w/ PMHx of HTN, DM, and ESRD on HD presented to the ED w/ c/o facial redness and swelling progressively worsening for 3 days. Patient  discharged 7 days prior from outside hospital but una…

Next Up…killer Vegetables

Most toxic mushroom ingestions simply result in abdominal cramping, nausea/vomiting and diarrhea.  But beware of amatoxin-containing mushrooms appropriately termed the “deadly white Amanitas” (i.e. A. phalloides (figure 1), A. bisporigera (…

Highlight Reel

Here are the highlights from the 2012 ACEP Clinical Policy regarding Critical Issues in the Initial Evaluation and Management of Patients Presenting to the ED in Early Pregnancy: The initial quantitative BhCG level does not help to distingu…


This may be surprising to many of you, but some of our patients abuse medication.  In addition to Dilaudid, morphine, and Percocet, lets add topical ophthalmic anesthetics such as tetracaine to our “red flag” list.  The most common offender…

To Bleed or Not to Bleed

Extracranial internal carotid artery dissection can cause ischemic stroke by thrombus formation or thromboembolism and subsequent arterial occlusion.  In fact, it is the 2nd most common etiology of strokes in patients younger than 45 years….

July 2024
