Persistent Cough and Ptosis

Post by @Fteranmd 55 yo M active smoker presents to the ED complaining of months of persistent cough, associated with difficulty reading due to inability to fully open his left eye. Physical exam is remarkable for findings shown in the pict…

Intermittent Visual Symptoms

57 yo M with PMHx of uncontrolled DM and HTN who presents with 3 weeks of intermittent  visual problems. Patient reports he sees flashes on both left sides of visual fields in both eyes. He is also unable to process 3D spacing and has troub…

Sepsis and Ppm Failure

85 yo M with PMHx of CHF, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and dual chamber PPM placed for sick sinus syndrome, who presents with lightheadedness, confusion and progressive lethargy x 1 day. At arrival to the ED patient hypotensive 70/30, bra…

Cqr Q-tips September

Clinical Quality Review topics for September 2014 -After ruling out ectopic, involve OB in patients with 2nd trimester miscarriage (these patient are more likely to need an intervention/procedure), or in unwell patients with 1st trimester m…

Succinylcholine in Myasthenia Gravis

Case: 45yoF with myasthenia gravis presents in respiratory distress.  She requires urgent intubation.  Which paralytic will you use?  Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder in which antibodies target nicotinic acetylcholi…


Case: You are working in the resus room, when a 65yoM h/o CAD, severe aortic stenosis, dilated cardiomyopathy (EF 15%), presents short of breath in extremis. VS: 75/60, HR 119 RR 24, T98.0, Sp02 94% on NRB He has rales to the apices of the…

August Q-tips

Patients with lower quadrant pain should typically have gonadal examinations. There are relative exceptions–such as virginal women without history of pelvic examinations or IBD patients with symptoms very typical of previous IBD flair…

Physical Exam in Septic Arthritis

CASE: 40yoM no PMHX with a swollen, painful right hip joint.  Worsening x5 days. No history of prior episodes, no other joints involved, no fever, no trauma, no GU symptoms, no rash, no vision changes, no IVDU. On exam, pt is afebrile, nont…

Meconium Staining

26 yoF 36 weeks by dates presents to the ED in labor, and has a precipitous birth in the resus area.  The infant is covered with a greenish liquid the consistency of split-pea soup. How do you address this?

July 2024
