E M Pearl, May 15

Courtesy of Dr. Elikashvili.   20 month old female is BIBEMS after seizure at home just prior to presentation.  Mother describes “10 minutes” of what sounds like generalized tonic-clonic movements. No h/o seizures.  Child w…

E M Pearl, May 14

23F h/o asthma is brought in from home s/p seizure. She is currently altered, but her grandparents (whom she lives with and witnessed the seizure) are at the bedside. They deny a history of seizures and report no preceding fever. An agile E…

E M Pearl, May 11

Case courtesy of Joe Scofi.   65M history of CAD (on ASA/Plavix), HTN presents with 3 days of epigastric pain and “dark” stools.  Denies history of GI bleed. He drinks and smokes. Says that he had a AAA repair in Russia thr…

E.m. Pearl, May 10

19M brought into pediatric resus looking toxic, diaphoretic with shallow breathing.  Temp 38.7, HR 126, BP 146/51,  RR 20,  95% on RA. Two weeks ago he had a sore throat which was strep and monospot negative.  He’s had a persistent so…

Em Pearl, 5/8/12

Thank you to Adam Vella for inspiring this clinical question.   What’s the deal with NSAIDs in pregnancy? Ibuprofen and naproxen are category B drugs in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. Catergory D in the 3rd. (aspirin is category D t…

Em Pearl, 5/7/12

Courtesy of Jen Galjour. 28M presents obtunded. EMS reports open bottle of antifreeze next to patient on scene. Initial vitals are 98.0 130  90s/50s 37  96%.  Super stat shows pH 6.8, HCO3 8, lactate 12.  Patient is swiftly intubated. You i…

July 2024
