Hey Guys, welcome to the Sinai Spanish Series brought to you by your TR Zac. I thought I would start with some basics that might help with communication  at Elmhurst. Remember if you don’t speak Spanish all important conversation should be conducted with the help of an interpreter. All verbs below are posed in the usted form which is the polite form of address in Spanish. Many terms vary from country to country but all our patients should be able to understand the terms below. If anyone has specific requests for next week’s Sinai Spanish Series please email me directly.

Upper Body

abdomen- el abdomen

arm – el brazo

armpit – la axila

back –  la espalda

breast – el pecho, el seno

chest – el pecho

elbow – el codo

finger – el dedo

forearm – el antebrazo

hand – la mano

nail – la una (pronounced oo-nya)

skin – la piel

stomach – el estomago

thumb – el pulgar

wrist – la muneca

Lower Body

ankle – el tobillo

buttocks – la nalga

foot – el pie

heel – el talon

hip -la cadera

knee – la rodilla

leg – la pierna

penis – el pene

shin – la espinilla

sole – la planta del pie

testicle – el testiculo

thigh – el muslo

toe – el dedo

vagina – la vagina (la vaheena)

waist – la cintura

Symptoms – (these verbs are in the form of usted which is respectful

Have you taken any medication today? – ha tomado algun medicamento hoy?

have you had these symptoms before? – Ha tenido estos sintomas antes?

How often do you get this symptom? – Cada cuanto tiene este sintoma?

Do you have a stuffy nose? – Tiene la nariz tapada?

Do you have a cough? – Tiene tos?

Do you have blood in your vomit?  – Tiene sangre en el vomito?

How long have you been feeling dizzy? Cuanto tiempo hace que tiene mareo?

Did you faint? – se ha desmayado?

Where exactly is the pain? – donde es el dolor exactamente?

Do you feel like the room is spinning- siente que la habitacion da vueltas?

Have you had recent head trauma? – ha tenido trauma de la cabeza recientemente?

What were you doing when you fell down? – Que hacia cuando se caio (cayoh)?

What causes the pain? – que causa el dolor?

Do you have a change in balance? – tiene un cambio del equilibrio?

How many times have you had a bowel movement today? – cuantas veces ha evacuado hoy?

Are your stools hard or soft? – sus evacuaciones son duras o blandas?

Are your stools black or bloody? – sus evacuaciones son negras o con sangre?

Does it burn when you pee? – arde cuando orina?

When was the last time you had alcohol? cuando fue la ultima vez que tomo alcohol?

Have you ever had withdrawal from alcohol before? alguna vez ha tenido el sindrome de abstinencia de alcohol?




July 2024
