Tom, Jack, Clint, and Bret

What a great time to be in Boston! The 2009 ACEP Scientific Assembly is over, and there were lots of updates for the ultrasound community. New coding guidelines from the section, Ultrasound Section election results, Sinai alumni news, and more after the jump!

Specialty Track

ACEP 2009- BostonUltrasound Specialty Track alumni Thomas Wu, Jack Choi, and Clint Masterson attended Sinai’s annual departmental dinner at the Red Fez in South End. Clint has obtained an RDMS certification, and all rely on ultrasound in their daily practice. The turnout for the dinner was the best in Mount Sinai’s history, with representatives from nearly every class (including the first!) in attendance.

Section Meeting

Chiricolo and MelnikerThe Ultrasound Section meeting was held on Monday, October 5th. While detailed minutes are forthcoming, a few important items are worth noting:

  • Gerardo Chiricolo, MD, FACEP, RDM
    S will be the chair of the section for 2009-2010, taking over for Larry Melniker
  • Vicki Noble, MD, RDMS was voted chair-elect by the section
  • New emergency ultrasound coding guidelines have been drafted and will be posted on ACEP’s ultrasound practice resources website

Research Forum

Bret with posterThe Research Forum highlighted many research projects on ultrasound diagnosis, education, and other aspects of the technology. Bret Nelson presented an abstract on educating emergency medicine residents in the evaluation of ectopic pregnancy using an informational poster. Many thanks to coauthors Vicki Noble, Jack Choi, Tiffany Truong, and Adam Levine. Yes, it is a poster about a poster.

July 2024
