ECMO made EZ

Intro For this week’s teaching pearl, I wanted to go back and cover a medical pearl. We always hear the word “ECMO” thrown around but I want to today go into a very brief overview of what ECMO is and why it is being used more commonly. I am…

Pressors 101

By Lara Silverman, MD/MPH Emergency Medicine PGY3 Pressors are used in hypotension. Per Scott Weingart, there are three main reasons we use pressors:  Maintain critical perfusion pressors, especially to the brain, heart, and kidneys. B…

The Dangers of Hiccups!

Intro For the first pearl during our reign, I wanted to teach about the most dangerous thing I could think of. Hiccups. There are some dangerous etiologies out there so stay tuned. TR Pearls – <5 minutes – Often benign and se…

Unstable C-Spine Fractures

Intro You are working a BNT shift at Elmhurst and you pick up a patient who is complaining of neck pain after a fall. Do they need to be in a c-collar? Should you order a CT c-spine? What are the unstable c-spine injuries you are looking fo…

Tap that? VP Shunts & their complications

CSF shunts – these are the most common pediatric neurosurgery procedure done in the United States. While very common, these also have the highest rate of neurosurgical complications. About 50% fail within the first year, and the median survival of a shunt is usually 8-10 years, so a patient can expect 2-3 shunt revisions over the course of 20 years. 

July 2024
