Central Line Week TR Pearl Series (all three pearls combined for this post) by Ryan LeBuhn, PGY-3 Informed Consent I once described the risks of a procedure so thoroughly that the patient no longer wanted the procedure, though avoiding the…
SEE THIS PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XZIvB2Xggm7gm-uTcD_nuhfaYR7DCDEK/view?usp=drivesdk
Is this monkeypox? But…what is monkeypox and what does it look like? What else should I consider on my differential? Is there a treatment? What do I do to treat it?
You’re at Sinai – and your patient is a renal transplant patient. What do you do? “Don’t you just call renal transplant?” Yes, you should definitely call them. But there’s other things to consider – see below for today’s TR pearls.
Super cool case, admittedly, maybe not a super high yield diagnosis BUT, I hope we can all agree, still very dope. Case: CC: 46yo M p/w worsening b/l vision over 1mo, now blind. Vitals: WNL PMHx: L eye global rupture ~6mos ago 2/2 nail pen…
We have a new resource in the Sinai ED. Say hello to your friendly ED pharmacist. In the past several years, the ED pharmacy has been centralized in a non-ED location. We all know well these faceless interactions with a human reminding you…
THE EYE EXAM Keep it basic… APD Intra-ocular Pressures: Tono-pen v Applanator (Goldmann) Visual Acuity or be a Slit Lamp KWEEN Move outside in: Lids → Eyeball Lids: ducts, eyelashes, orbital lesions or findings EYE: Full EOM assessment and…
Have you ever opened a chart of a very sick or obtunded patient, only to find it completely blank? Of course you have…probably at some point today. The minor panic that having to find vital collateral information in a timely fashion i…
The last time www.sinaiem.org addressed the topic of cerumen (ear wax) impaction was in 2013. See this post: http://sinaiem.org/50yo-man-with-chest-pain-and-also-with-r-ear-pain/ If you’re like me, you likely believe that the world of ceru…
You are at elmhurst in the cardiac room. It is FREEZING outside. The triage nurse tells you there is a frequent flier in triage, EMS found him sleeping on the street with +AOB. He is confused and moaning to sternal rub. They cannot get an o…