Super cool case, admittedly, maybe not a super high yield diagnosis BUT, I hope we can all agree, still very dope. Case: CC: 46yo M p/w worsening b/l vision over 1mo, now blind. Vitals: WNL PMHx: L eye global rupture ~6mos ago 2/2 nail pen…
As it may become very apparent, I take a lot of photos of interesting eye pathology. So what do you think is going on here? What if I told you that this had been going on for the past few days and they had been using steroid drops…
What do you think is going on here? So if you were the resident who signed up for this patient what would you do? As may be obvious, this is herpes zoster ophthalmicus, which is a reactivation of the VZV in cranial nerve V ophthalmic divisi…
THE EYE EXAM Keep it basic… APD Intra-ocular Pressures: Tono-pen v Applanator (Goldmann) Visual Acuity or be a Slit Lamp KWEEN Move outside in: Lids → Eyeball Lids: ducts, eyelashes, orbital lesions or findings EYE: Full EOM assessment and…