Broselow to the Rescue!

How do you calculate the correct ETT size for a child in a pediatric resuscitation? ETT size = (age + 16) / 4 ETT size = (age/4) + 4 ETT size = 4 + 1/4 age If you find yourself thinking about the order of operations (PEMDAS for anyone who m…


It’s not just about the squeeze. You gotta think about the filling. Yes, today we’re talking about diastology (I didn’t make that word up) AKA diastolic heart failure AKA heart failure with preserved ejection fraction AKA…

Skin Not Tough Enough?

Steri-strip and Suture Combo Technique for Repairing Fragile Skin   Old people.  They come with all sorts of problems and complications. Even simple lacerations are more complicated with them. Have you ever encountered a laceration in…

How deep should I place my CVC?

All the hard parts are done in the placement of your central line. You nicked the vein and NOT the artery. The wire threaded smoothly. You got confirmation on your ultrasound. Now, you just insert the triple lumen in over the wire. Insertin…

The oft forgotten ‘centesis

Inspired by Dr. Schuberg’s outstanding procedural skillz this week, I present the thoracentesis: Indications: Suspected pleural space infection, new effusion without diagnosis, and relief of dyspnea caused by large effusion Contraindication…

That “Dirty” ED Line

Do central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) rates differ based on whether they were placed in the ED versus the ICU? A recent article published in Academic Emergency Medicine attempted to answer this very question. Central lin…

The Forgotten Lead

aVR is the neglected cousin of the other ECG leads. He doesn’t always make sense, nobody really understands him, and he usually sits alone at the dinner table. This is to the detriment of those who ignore him, as aVR can easily lead clinici…

Choosing the Best Test

Today’s pearl is short and sweet. Here’s a breakdown of common radiologic studies performed in the emergency department along with their sensitivities and specificities according to the available literature. You may be surprised by so…

To Buffer an Acid You Add a Base, Right?

What do you do if your septic patient now has a lactate of 12 and a pH of 7.00? You’ve already started your fluids, antibiotics, pressors, and have ruled out any unaddressed source. Intuitively, your patient’s acidosis should be corrected b…

A Modified Valsalva for Svt

Although clinical practice may differ, vagal maneuvers are still the first step in attempting to convert supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) to sinus rhythm prior to adenosine. The reason why they are rarely attempted is because of relativel…

September 2024
