Case of the Month: April 2010

Thanks to Tatiana for an expertly presented ultrasound case of the month.  She was kind enough to put together this summary. 43y.o. F with pmh of asthma, HTN, recently treated for PNA p/w worsening dyspnea, pleuritic chest  pain,  cough…

Top 50 CME Blogs

Finally- a little recognition! We were named one of the top 50 continuing medical education blogs by Nurse E.D.U. Although there is no mention that they were listed in any particular order, we will consider ourselves in the top 20 of that l…

Research scholars

The ultrasound division is proud to welcome two research scholars: Dr. Hong Chuen Toh and Dr. Shiang-Hu Ang. Dr Hong Chuen Toh is an Associate Consultant from the Department of Emergency Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, Singapore. He obtained…

Lung point

Thoracic ultrasound is one of the hottest topics in emergency and critical care sononography. Assessment for pneumothorax is accurate and relatively easy to learn. One important sign when assessing for pneumothorax is the lung point. This i…

AIUM 2010- Day 3

Another beautiful sunny day. Although some people left for early flights back home, there was still some life left in the conference on Saturday. Notable events included: Sinai’s own Henrietta Rosenberg, MD, hosting a meet-the-profess…

AIUM 2010- Day 2

Another great day for the Emergency and Critical Care track. 8:15 head and neck US 9:45 Emergency and Critical Care Community of Practice meeting Michael Blaivas was at the helm as the new Chair of the EM/CC community of practice. Bret Nels…

AIUM 2010- Day 1

Thursday was a great day for the EM/Crit Care track. Not sure what happened in the AM – I was on a plane – not on a boat – on a plane! The hands-on vascular access course was held in the afternoon.  The opening lecture co…

Limited Focused Point of Care Ultrasound

As the ultrasound fellow, I have the privilege of scanning with the ultrasound faculty, all of our residents and all of our non-ultrasound faculty.  It is so refreshing to have such a variety to work with.  At times, the non-ultrasound fa…

April 2010
