Every year in December my ARDMS renewal would arrive.  It was only $75 to renew, so I did.  My enthusiasm for this badge steadily declined from the early heady days after taking the Edelman course (which I thought was awesome).  But th…
Most toxic mushroom ingestions simply result in abdominal cramping, nausea/vomiting and diarrhea. But beware of amatoxin-containing mushrooms appropriately termed the “deadly white Amanitas” (i.e. A. phalloides (figure 1), A. bisporigera (…
Here are the highlights from the 2012 ACEP Clinical Policy regarding Critical Issues in the Initial Evaluation and Management of Patients Presenting to the ED in Early Pregnancy: The initial quantitative BhCG level does not help to distingu…
This may be surprising to many of you, but some of our patients abuse medication. In addition to Dilaudid, morphine, and Percocet, lets add topical ophthalmic anesthetics such as tetracaine to our “red flag” list. The most common offender…