Arntfield on TEE

We miss having Rob in NYC, but he has certainly hasn’t been slacking off in the depths of Ontarian Polar Vortices.  Here’s the latest from London on Arntfield’s ED TEE protocol.

Owyang and Meyers Fluid Responsiveness

Owyang and Meyers sounds like a great east village restaurant (critics rave “you just have to get the foie and cheetos”).  Instead, they’ve published a great systematic review of fluids responsiveness assessment with TTE a…

Tip of the hat to Dr. Blaivas who forwarded the link to this free OB GYN ultrasound ebook. The book is a PDF download.  The authors also maintain a fairly extensive YouTube Channel that is worth a look. Phil

Is it time?

Every year in December my ARDMS renewal would arrive.  It was only $75 to renew, so I did.  My enthusiasm for this badge steadily declined from the early heady days after taking the Edelman course (which I thought was awesome).  But th…

Last days of the stethoscope?

In the current issue of Global Heart (journal of the World Heart Foundation), several Mount Sinai authors have published articles on the use of point-of-care ultrasound. Phil Andrus wrote about focused cardiac ultrasound, Jennifer Huang co-…

NYC Resuscitative Ultrasound Rounds

Were looking forward to the first citywide critical care ultrasound meeting. The idea for this gathering grew out of discussions between ED and ICU folks interested in critical care ultrasound who wanted to share experiences, interesting ca…

ACEP US Section Discussion Forums

If you aren’t a member of the Ultrasound Section or ACEP this is a great reason to become one.     Mike Stone with help from Phil Perera and no doubt others have built a forum where you can find all of the most pertinent dis…


On July First, while most of us were busy meeting new interns, Mike and Matt from the ultrasound podcast along with Mike Stone have released into the wild their newest creation, sonocloud.   Sonocloud is awesome.  It is a copyright fr…


Notes from Grand Rounds on Cardiac Arrest Ultrasound this morning. Screencast (in process) Handout RUSH in Arrest Algorithm   References: Atkinson, P R T, D J McAuley, R J Kendall, O Abeyakoon, C G Reid, J Connolly, and D Lewis. “Abd…

Happy Birthday Heinrich Hertz

  Without Heinrich we would have no units for the frequency of our probes. We can thank him for these units as well as for proving Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism, leading to the invention of radio and television.  I suppos…

Ultrasound in Cardiac Arrest

  Thanks to Dr. Wasserman, Ms. Thomas and all the folks at Beth Israel Newark Medical Center Emergency Medicine.  It was a pleasure to visit your shop today and talk about ultrasound in cardiac arrest.  As promised, you will find bel…

July 2024
